A Day with the one I love

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Taeyeon assigned into a special mission while Yoong is now a temporary bodyguard to the Lady President who flew into Jeju Island for a ribbon-cutting event and now he's in a happy mood because the witch is nowhere to be seen as he's with ease, a suddenly good day for his peaceful mind.

"Oh, Taeyeon annyeong!" Jessica said happily as she skipped towards the bodyguards working area with a piles of paper on his hand, a feedback report.

"Annyeong Ms. Jung, nice to see you!" Taeyeon's heart flutters when the blonde giving off her heartwarming smile towards him.

"So, your doing your weekly report? Are you?" Jessica asked in glee while looking over the papers he's working at.

"Yeah, so I wouldn't procrastinate." Taeyeon said shyly because their faces is just an inch apart.

"A morning angel." Taeyeon smiled to himself while staring dreamily at Jessica.

"Want to grab some coffee, my treat?" Jessica offered making the midget's heart jump in happiness.

"Ah, okay." Taeyeon cleans his desk before they head off.

"I'll help you." The blonde offers a hand to Taeyeon who happily accepted with all his heart.

"She's so beautiful." Taeyeon thought to himself as they both walked out from the office.


"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Yoong and Tiffany spending their time laughing into the young boy's playful joke didn't recognize the time of their arrival and the private plane safely landed at Jeju Airport.

"My stomach really hurts because of too much laughing with your jokes!" Tiffany exclaimed fixing her attire for the gathering while Yoong helping her out with the huge luggage and all making the President's heart flutters towards his gentleness.

"He's so cute." Tiffany stares for awhile before stepping out of the plane with the delegates waiting for her arrival.

"Please be careful, President Hwang." Yoong warned as he immediately held his hand with the luggage on his other hand.

"Oh, gomawo." Tiffany blushes shyly as she took his hand on hers.

"Welcome, President Hwang!" All of the delegates bowed towards her while she returns their repect with a lady-like bow.

"Follow me, Yoong don't leave my side." Tiffany smile warmly at him.

"Sure thing, President." Yoong returns with a warm smile.


"Can my bodyguard shares the same room with me for a safety purposes?" Tiffany pleaded the hotel manager when she knows that Yoong will be on the other room.

"Is it okay with you, Madam?" The manager carefully asked.

"Yes, he's already a close friend of mine and he always make sure that I'm safe, he's a nice companion!"

"Unlike someone else whose named Kim Taeyeon!" Tiffany scoffed bu the thought of a certain midget.

"Okay, if thats make you comfortable." The manager bows before he headed off leaving the President and her bodyguard.

"C'mon Yoong leave the luggage beside my bed." Tiffany commanded.

"Oh, okay is there anything else, Ms. Hwang?" Yoong asked.

"It's Tiffany for you."

"B-But ------" Yoong hesitated.

"No buts, arasso?" Tiffany demanded before she unbuttoned the first  three buttons of her attire.

"I'll take my leave now, Mi-- Tiffany-shi_!?" Yoong hurriedly walked out but the President stop him.

"This is your room too because I don't want anyone to enters my place and besides it's for my own safety so please stay with me, Yoong." Tiffany with her pleading eyes made Yoong sighed in defeat before he carry back his own luggage and headed into the living room outside her room.

"I'll take the spare blanket and pillow over there, Tiffany." Yoong get back to pick a set of sleeping items with him headed outside.

"Okay, take a rest so that you have energy for tomorrow." Tiffany said before she carefully closes the door.

"Kyah~ I'm sleeping with him inside a room, ottoke?" Tiffany said happily but not wanting to be heard by the man outside, she jumps around like a teenager crushing over and she felt giddy all of a sudden.

"Ha, much relief than to be with someone whose not willing to be with me." Tiffany scoffed rememberong how she spend bickering over Taeyeon's childish side.


"It tastes great, Miss Jung!" Taeyeon exclaimed as he took a sip of ice americano made Jessica laugh at his own actions.

"I'm glad you like it because I really love it though." Jessica said with a warm smile vibrating into Taeyeon's line of sight.

"I already hearing the sound of the wedding bells right here." Taeyeon dreamily staring at Jessica again.

"Are you single?" Jessica asked out of the blue making him startled a bit.

"Omo! Is she interested in me?" Taeyeon thought.

"I never had a girlfriend before." Taeyeon admitted shyly while taking another sip avoiding Jessica's curious stares towards him.

"So, tell me is Yoong already had a girlfriend before?" Jessica asked made his hope crushes in an instant.

"Why everyone else had their eyes only for my favorite dongsaeng?" Taeyeon said in major disappoint to himself while faking a smile on her.

"He got himself a girl before." He answered.

"Oh, I wonder how you ended with none so are you willing to try it if ever you had a chance?" Jessica said calmly observing his behavior that turns into a 180 after hearing a confusing question.

"What is she playing at?" Taeyeom giving off a confuse look.

"But no one ever approaches me, do you think I'm ugly?" Taeyeon asked back made Jessica laugh at him.

"I think you're cute in your own way but unfortunately no one ever see it but------" Jessica paused for awhile after she inhales.

"I think I do." Jessica said shyly looking at him lovingly.

To be continued.

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