New Enemy

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New Enemy

Its been 4 days seens All of the eve's and Servamp found about Victoria being an hybrid.

You and all of the eve's have an meeting an enjoying yourself in the living room specially Victoria who argue with Lawless a lot.

"I guest you two are a perfect couple" Lily said to Victoria and lawless.

Lawless look away and blush, but as for victoria just roll her eyes. "No thank you, were not perfect couples." Victoria said.

" Cause we are the ones whos perfect for each other Vicky my babe" As Mikuni said.

"Do you want me to slap you!? Just say it and I'll slap you hard" Vic said in an scary way.

"No, pls don't hurt me.." As Mikuni said.

"Tsk." Vic just cussed.

"But this is the first time I saw Lawless blush like this" Old child said.

"Tsk, He just blush cause he remember something about me. About not exactly me but someone like me" Victoria said

Lawless was shock at the same time feel lonely. "She's right. Right now, If I saw Victoria, I remember Ophelia. I remeber her, I remember when I became nothing- " Lawless thoughts was cut by Victoria, cause Victoria just heard lawless thought.

"Well Love hurts thats one thing. " Vic said.

"Why do love hurts Vic?, love never hurt anyone right?" Lily said

"Wrong, Very, very wrong." As Victori said.

You in the other hand just stand and start to walk away from that room and went to the street and start walking at the night sky. You really like the night cause it brings a little joy to you but you also forget to bring kuro with you, and you kinda forget about him too.

On the other hand, kuro wake uo because of the noise was made in the room. "Ah... Your so noisy I could just die." As kuro said as he was trying to cover his ears with his tiny paws. His actually in his cat form right now.

"Hey you cat, you stupid lazy cat!!! Where's cutie-chan huh?" As lawless pick kuro within his collar and start yelling and shaking him.

Kuro notice your gone so he kinda transform to his vampire form and start to look around. But your nowhere to be found.

"Speaking of which, Litch is not here too" As vic said.

Kuro, Lawless and Victoria stand up as they decided to look for you and Lich. You in the other hand found litch staring blankly in road as you two are on the street.

"Hey Litch?What are you doing here?" You apptoach him.

"Nothing, You?" He ask.

"Samething" You answer.

A couple of minutes pass, you two are been found by Victoria, kuro and Lawless.

Kuro hug you tightly. " Don't you ever make me worrie again" As he whisper to your ears gently.

"Sorry" You said.

As You were walking home again, a man suddently attack litch in a surprise and grab him too. Lawless however was attack by another man too and as lawless hit the ground he can't feel his body. It was like he was paralize, And as you saw who is it You and Victori were shock.

"Clint" As both of you said.

Clint is a immortal hunters,one of the best eventually.

"Litch!!" Lawless said. But lawless can't move. Kuro approach lawless.

"You ok?" Kuro ask him

"I'm fine, but I can't move. I don't know why" Lawless said

"Tsk, this is such a pain" Kuro said.

"Hey Clint, release my prince charming if you don't want to suffer hell!!!" Victoria said.

"Huh, Don't think that the world that were living is already not hell? Its a very very big hell thanks Y/R/N."Clint said.

As you heard your real name  you make a sad face and look down to the floor with worried face.

"Hey? Y/n, don't let him got you." Victoria whisper to you.

"What did you do to lawless?" As you ask them.

"Well, for starters Eve's and their servamps are connected, so how about we connect the two hmp?" As Clint said as he hurt Litch.

"Tsk." Vic said.

"Servamps and eves are connected? How about if the-" Your thought was cut by Victoria.

"Y/n,I know what you just think. How about you'll handle my gergous god damn it beautiful body for a minute." Victoria said as she hold your hands.

"You just read my mind, didn't you?" You said.

"Shhh... That's one big secret" She said as she became unconscious.

"Huh, look the Little hybrid is down, how about you Y/R/N. " As clint said and all of his 5 boys start to attack you but Litch stop them.

Litch was free from the grip of Clint and Lawless can move again. "How can this be? You should be paralize together with your Servamp?" Clint said.

"One thing that you should know Clint.I'm a hybrid that has psychological powers." As litch said but more in victorias tone.

"Hey Vic, quit enjoying your self, just attack already." You said to Litch.

Cause Litch isn't Litch his Victoria. Victoria has a ability to posses someone's body. But it only last for 5-10 minutes.

"Yeah, yeah, I know"As Victori start to attack all the mens. After a minute all them are down, now Victoria went eye contact to each and everyone ordering them to forget that this event ever happen.

As that happen lawless was shock.

"Are you really Victoria?" Lawless ask Victoria who is now on Litch's body.

"Who else it can't be greed?" She said.

"hey, quit arguing and go back to your body now Vic" You said.

"Fine" She said as Litch body went uncoincious then Victoria body went coincious.

Lawless and Kuro was amazed by Victoria's ability. As for Litch who didn't remeber a single thing, he just stay Qiuet.

"Hey Y/n. Just so you know, Clint is not the only immortal hunneters that knows about servamps." As Vic said to you.

"I guest we have A new enemy huh..."You said as you went back to the resthouse.


Thanks for reading 😊😊😊

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