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Chapter 10: Servamps

You wake up in your comparable bed and look at the clock that is in your table. Its 3:45pm. So you decided to get up, suprisingly you found kuro sleeping at the edge of your bed in his vampire form. You hold his head and mess with it as he look at you.

He gave you a faint smile, "Glad your a wake. I thought you'll never be" As kuro said to you.

" Sorry to make you worry? Did you by anychance wake me up? You ask him. He hummed for an answer. "But you won't wake up" Kuro add.

"I must be having insomnia again" You thought as you let out a big sigh. "What do you want to eat?" You ask him. "Anything" As he stand up and leave your room.

You fix your bed and your self, then went to the kitchen to prepared something, but your fridge is out of food. "Your out of ramen" Kuro said in his usual voice.

"Then let's go outside, I'll buy some groceries."You said.

"That's such a pain I could just die" Kuro said.

As you went to your room and fix yourself. After some minutes,

"kuro let's go" As you said.

"Do we have to? Its such a pain" kuro reply.

"yes" You reply. He pause his game and turn off the T.V and hop to your shoulder.

You and kuro were walking the street full of people. Until you found your self walking near the river, You stop and saw the view.

"The Nice air, The nice color of crystal river, All of them are good looking". As you feel the gentle wind blow to you.

But suddently a man just attack you with a sword but you avoided that, thanks to your strong senses. "Hahahah, Your cute young lady, sad to say you need to die" As he attack you with the sword but you keep avoiding that.

Then another men attack you, another and another. Its too many. You avoid there attacks but never fight cause its too dangerous for them and for the world if you fight, so you just avoid every move they make until someone save you, A guy with yellow and black hair where glasses.

"You ok cutie?" as he said. You hummed for an answer as you saw he fight for you same as with the black hair with him. After a minutes all the mens were down, as he grab you and bring you to the park.

"Your safe now young lady" As he said.

"Thank you kindly. May I ask your name?" You said

"My name is lawless and this guys is angel-san my one and only-

As you saw angel step on lawless saying "stop wasting time and let's move on" as that angel-san said.

Guest his a bad ange huh, You think. "Thanks for helping me again" You said.

" My name is Litch and I'm an angel, You are?" as litch said.

"Y/n, thats my name" You reply.

As kuro jump out un your purse and to your shoulder. "Ah... Y/n I'm hungry let's eat" Kuro said in his usual tone.

You hummed in return, as you walk you saw lawless grab kuro and throw him away. "How could you sleep and ask for food, When this cutie here is in danger!?" Lawless yelled in kuro.

"Oh, hey brother. Didn't see you there" as kuro take his form as vampire.

"That's not important, why the hell didn't you help her out!?" Lawless yelled

"Huh? help her with what? I was in a good sleep you know?. Kuro said.

"Huh, you stupid sloth. " As lawless keep yelling.

"Hey,... How can you be so cruel to such a cute adorable cat like me?" Kuro said.

"Your not a cat idiot. Your servamp so quit in being lazy!" as lawless yelled.

On the other hand, you and litch talk.

"So, are you sloth's eve?" Litch ask.

you hummed in return.

" I'm lawless's eve. The Servamp of Greed and the fifth youngest Servamp"

"So his a Servamp too huh?" Yes he is.

Then out of no where Mikuni and Misono was there.

"Hey Y/n long time no see" Mikuni said.

"Its odd to see you two cat and dogs together" As you said in your boring tone.

Misono and Mikuni are literally cats and dogs, to the point they will kill each other.

"Y/n brother is an eve too" Misono said.

"Yes I am" Mikuni said. "and this is my Servamp Doubt doubt or I prefer to call jeje The Servamp of Envy, and the the thirs eldest servamps."

As the snake in his arm turn into a strange man.

"Oh ok."as you said.

"Where's sloth?" Mikuni ask.

You pointed the direction where lawless is bullying kuro. "What happen Y/n?" Lily ask.

"Nothing" You said.

" No, its not nothing. This Stupid brother of us didn't help when cutie here is in danger." lawless yelled.

" huh... Helping her is such a pain. I want to eat now" Kuro said.

" How about a dinner with all of the servamps. That way you will know them all" Mikuni said.

"Sure" You reply as all of you went to a private dinner in one of the finest hotel. There you have met all the servamps.

One is Old Child, the Servamp of Pride and is bound by contract to Tetsu Sendagaya. His contract name is Hugh he is the second oldest of the Servamp siblings.

Tetsu is so tall and look mature but you learn that he is just a junior high.

As all of them talk, you excuse your self and went to the rooftop. Well, your the only girl in that dinning table and your not really hungry so its better in the rooftop and sit alone.

beside your fine being alone, you love being alone until you meet sleepy ash. Now your waiting for his move to kill you. Cause once he knows the true you, he will not just leave you, but also kill you.

And you already accept that.

Suddently kuro approach you and lawless out of nowhere.

"You ok cutie?" Lawless ask.

you hummed in an answer.

"This is such a pain" Kuro said.

"Well brother, so much for an eve like her. Tsk if only she knows what you did she'll never become your eve" Lawless said.

"tsk" kuro said.

You saw the bad aurora in this two, so "hey kuro, let's go home I need to buy some food too" You said to brake their bad aurora.

"hmp..." as kuro turn into a cat and jump into your shoulder.

"thanks for everthing lawless" you said.

"No probs" lawless said.

As you and kuro went to grocery and went home.

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