I'm in What!?

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Your chatting in a secret Group email that all of the bad guys are involve. Sad to say you know all their true Identity. But they don't know you.

Mikzki678: Hey everyone.

Radzmazex: Hello trash fuck shit 😈

Xarilop5: The hell your using a bad words.

Nightyof dark: That's Radz to you. 😁

DarkDyosaXZX: Hi guys..

Nighty of dark: what the-? Is that really you DarkDyosaXZX!?

Radzmazex: Wow,The famouse assain's account is active. Everyone start hacking and find this guy.

Mikzki678: Come on Radz,Its just maybe an imposter. Cause there are rumors that the greatest assasin was already dead.

Nightyof dark: Huh? But its just rumors. What if that's the real one?

Xarilop5: Are you DarkDyosaXZX?

DarkDyosaXZX: Depends. On what yoy think.

Radzmazex: I think its a big imposter.

Mikzki678: Yeah me too..

Nightyof Dark: Maybe not, maybe yes.

Xarilop5: Yeah. Hey DarkDyosaXZX? Can you tell me how did you gain a give award?

DarkDyosaXZX: what kind of award.

Xarilop5: Like the being greatest assin in the world? Being the most killed people in the world? and also the greatest hacker in the world?

Mikzki678: Yeah,  You can hack any of us, but why can't we hack your location.

DarkDyosaXZX: Natural born!.

Radzmazex: But I guest if we meet, I'm gonna be the best cause its been 9 years seens your gone.

Nightyof dark: I agree, I think I'm more stonger than you.

DarkDyosaXZX: Sure. If we meet I'll make sure you all lost... If ever we meet.

Radzmazex: Yeah.

After some chatting in your loptop. You log out and shut it down, you look at your bed and kuro is still sleeping like an angel.

So you don't want to disturb him, you went to the living room and lay down on the couch, but a phone call was made by lawless.

/Hey? Y/n? Any chance Victoria id there?/ Lawless said.

You: No, why something up?

Lawless: we have a little fight and she run away, I know its my fault.

You: Did you check every Illegal bar in this city? She's always go there when things happen like this.

Lawless: Ok, I'll check it. Beside she just been missing for 5 hours already.

Your gonna speak again but Lawless end up the call. "5 hours? That's already too long. Where can she be?" You ask your self.

You call her but the phone didn't ring or any, its out of reach. So you decided to track her using her tracker earings and the daylight ring you made for ger.

Her earings, dress and rings has a tracker on it so if ever a situation like this you could easily find her. But surpringly, the location was in the other side of the world. Your in japan but the traker leads at Germany.

"That's too far? How can she got there easily? and 5 hours?That's not enough to go to.....Germany....Private Airplane!" You thought.

You start to worried, so you decided to contact her with the small earphone in her earings.

"Hey Vic? Can you hear me?.... Vic?.....Vic?...." You said but she didn't reply.

On the other hand Victoria heard her name was being call so she wake up and found her self in a cell with a chain in her hands that was attached to the wall. She was shock, but your voice was calling from her earings.

"Hey Y/n, Stop calling I'm awake" Victoria said in very very low tone.

"Gladly. Where are you?" Y/n ask.

"To be honest, don't know." Victoria said.

"I think your in...." Y/n said.

But it was cut because you heard noises, and Victoria also heard them talking in germany laungage.

"Really?" one guy said.

"Yeah, from all those years DarkDyosaXZX get active" One guy said.

"Really? That guys is alive?" One guys said.

They talk on german language.

Those guys just pass through the cell of Victoria. Victoria make sure they were gone and start to talk.

"Did you online? You world greatest assasin" Vic said.

"Yeah, just earlier. But don't worry, they won't find any of it that, 'that'was me. " Y/n said in the other line.

"But still your gonna be in trouble" Vic said.

"But you also in trouble. And those are german language. And I think your in germany" You said.

"What the fuck!? What the hell!? I'm in what!!!??" Vic said in a shock way.

"Calm down, Vic. Relax. How about you use your power to get the hell out of there" You said.

" There's a problem. None no people are here, even guards. And I also think that I'm in deep under ground" Vic said.

"Surely you are. How about I'll come there to rescue you"You said.

"Are you an Idiot!? After you just online and active!? The greatest killer in the world will just show up in germany!? Are you that insane!?" Victoria said.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure I won't kill anyone. " You said as you shut down your phone to be prepare.


Thanks for reading.😊😊😊

Hope you like it 😊😊😊

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