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Chapter 6 Darkness

Your class went smoothly, Kuro is been Quiet the whole time sleeping in your bag. You are now ready to go to work.

As your walking down the street kuro suddently jump in your shoulder. "Y/n I'm hungry give me some food... meow~" kuro said

" You just eat big time earlier this lunch?" You question. "Told you not to underestimate a hungry vampire" Kuro replied.

You let a loud sigh. " Tsk, just wait after we will got home" You said. " Ugh... Your so trouble some I could just die... meow~" Kuro said.

"Then be dead already. " You think.

You went to your work place now and work, as usual you wash dishes and when the cafe is close you arrange the tables and clean everything. Time check 9:39pm.

Your walking home now, when kuro speak that is now on your head. " What was that place Y/n?" Kuro ask.

"The place I work and get my money to buy me some stuff" You replied in your usually boring tone. "That's such a pain." Kuro said.

You didn't speak a word. "Why do humans need to work to survive? Its such a pain" Kuro thought.

Your walking home silently until you feel something in your body, like s string or something and drag you backwards hitting yourself in on the wall.

"Huh? So your sleepy ash's Eve huh? This is a problem" A girl with a pink hair wearing a nurse uniform and the string that was attach to you was connected to her hands.

Kuro turn into his Vampire form again. And face the Nurse Girl. " This is so trouble some" he said to the girl.

"Yes sleepy ash... Hahahaha" Ah man appear from no where. He also have a pink hair and has a joker face.

"Belkia" Kuro said to his self.

"So this girl is your eve? She is beautiful though." Belkia said.

"Release her!" Kuro demand.

"Ah.. ah.. ah.. Let's make her as my volunteer in my magic show, hahahaha" Belkia said.

You were pulled by the nurse girl and was about to put in an magic box while suddently the string was cut off by someone. As you can see it Snow Lily.

Your free now, but suddently a sword fly over to you, you immediately avoid it but it gave you a big slice on the face.  As usual you didn't feel any pain.

Kuro saw your face, he begun to fight Belkia and the Nurse girl who summon some minions. You just watch as kuro got stab by a sword.

You went to him, but as you are closer to him you got yourself found wrap up in the string again.

You can't move or anything, luckily Lily help you out and knock out Belkia. They went retreat as your free.

"Are you ok Y/n" Snow lily ask. "Fine" You said. "You really did change for the worse Y/n" as you see Misono.

Your about to speak when suddently kuro bite your neck. As you face him, there were black, darkness everywhere surround him, they were a giant cat that has stitches on his mouth. He cried in a black tears acid.

The dark cloud surround you as you can feel yourself drowning in the darkness, you feel scared, fear is beside you. Your drowning to kuro's darkness. But compare to your dark side this ain't enough.

Suddently another weird servamp attack kuro and fix her. He collapse, and unconscious.

"Hey Y/n Let us take Kuro and you back home" Misono said to you.

"No, thanks I can handle him" You said.

You saw kuro turn into his cat form still unconscious. You carry him home. As you were home you let him sleep in your bed peacefully. As you let your sleep in the couch.

But first you got your phone and earphone listening to a music cause you have trouble sleeping. Time check 11:58pm and still you are not sleepy enough to sleep.

Memories of your past come flooding along your head with your music is on.
Time check 1:56 am you decided to turn off your phone and sleep already.


" Holding on.... Why is every thing so heavy?"

- By Linkin Park Ft Kiiara

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