"What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" He said with anger and tears "what's wrong, Loby is that I killed Sam because he was going to date, my sister"

Everything was broken and feelings were unleashed. Serena broke down on the floor crying her heart out, Mr. Walker cried silently in his corner, Commissioner Walker was dying with every second and Loby stared at Daniel.

"Wh... What did you just say?" Loby said

"I killed him, I killed him, I killed him," he said crying and slapping himself with every sentence.

"You little..." Loby ran to Daniel with anger and revenge but was stopped with Commissioner Walker's punch that knocked him out.

"I have a brother," Serena said crazily "a killer brother... Who killed because of me" and she started laughing hard until it ended with crying.

Rick couldn't take it anymore, he opened the door, went to the next room and took Serena between his arms.

"Did you hear, Rick?" Serena said, "Daniel is my brother, you don't have to be jealous of him anymore"

Tears gathered in Rick's eyes while holding her "I heard it, love. I heard it"

"My brother killed because of me" and she started crying hard again.

After a while, she looked at her father and then she suddenly stood up, ran to him and pushed him

"How could you?" She screamed, "You caused all of this. Why didn't you tell me? What will be your excuse, now? WHAT?"

"Serena" he tried to hug her but she pushed him away.

"Oh, don't you dare come near me. I hate you. I will NEVER forgive you"

She was going out when she saw her Grandfather.

"What about you?" she said looking at him, "I thought you were my grandfather. I thought you were my friend. How could you?"

Mr. Walker didn't reply but kept weeping silently.

She looked at Daniel and smiled "I told you that I love you like my brother. It looks like I wasn't wrong"

Tears began to gather in her eyes again "Why, Daniel? Why? Why did you do it?"

He cried and hugged her "I couldn't understand my feelings. I should have just listened to you"

She broke the hug, "You will spend your life in jail, do you understand that? Because of your stupidity, you will spend your life in jail"

Then, she ran out of the room followed by Rick. She went straight to the forest. The forest that saw all her sadness. The forest that knows all of her secrets. The forest that contains many secrets but no lies.

She stumbled, fell and started crying again

"Serena!" Rick shouted when he saw her on the floor. He ran to her and held her close

"It will be OK, baby" he whispered, "It will be OK"

"How?" She asked between her tears



"Time will solve everything. It always does"

He carried her and went to his house. It was dark when she completely stopped crying.

"You don't mind eating eggs, right?" He asked with a smile.

She smiled, "I will eat anything"

He made the food and they ate in silence until she said, "I will take the couch this time"

"Do you really want me to carry you again?" He said raising an eyebrow, "you are kinda heavy, you know?"

She raised an eyebrow "I am going to sleep on the couch and if you carry me again, I will hurt you"

"Fine, dangerous"

When they took their sleeping positions, she slept for a couple of hours but then couldn't close her eyes again

"Are you asleep?" She hissed.


She stood up and went to bed "why are you awake?"

"I am a light sleeper"

"Oh, I am sorry," she was going to the couch when he held her hand and pulled her to sit.

He moved a side and she slept next to him.

Then they both slept like angels.


Author's Note: Ta Da. What Do You Think? Unexpected,ha. I Have Some News That Is Considered Sad And Happy At The Same Time. GONE Will Be Finished After 5 Chapters XD :-(

I Am So Happy That I Will Finish My First Story But I Will Miss Them Soooo Much *Shred A Tear Or Two*

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