"well damn, ma!" i said smiling and she smiled and winked back, but got serious when she faced eddie.

eddie didn't say anything back, but he just moved around mom and left.

"mom, i'm sorry." i said.

she gave me a hug. "no, i'm sorry. i'm not going to tolerate any man that can't do for my daughter as they do me." she said smiling.

we ended up walking back up to grandma's room and found demi laying in the empty bed. they had just taken her away.

everyone in the room was crying.

dallas was in the corner, and when she saw me she came over to me and exited me out of the room.

"i'm sorry, but you have school, and since demi's tour is practically over, you're going to have to go back to new york with me and go to school." she said rubbing my arm.

i didn't resist. i just nodded.

"when do we go?" i said.

"tonight." she said sadly. i was even more sad. i'm tired of ally and her shit.

i went into the room, and said goodbye to mom. right about now, i don't want to speak to any other person in that room.

i'm only one call away.

dallas and i made our way down the stairs and out of the hospital. r.i.p grandma.

i wasn't feeling anything.

"let's go get some food. where do you want to go?" she asked. i just shrugged.

we ended up going to mcdonalds. ew, more calories so that i will be fatter than i was when i left ally.

"you have to eat your food!" dallas said looking at my untouched food sitting there.

"i'm not hungry." i said. she rolled her eyes.

"you're not acting like yourself lately." she said.

"wow, you're one to talk." i said.

her eyes saddened. "dally, i'm sorry. i'm just not hungry. i'm very tired, and i am sorry if i hurt your feelings. i just want to go home." i said letting a tear slip.

i'm not bipolar. at least i think.

she nodded.

"there's a flight leaving in fifty minutes. if we catch an uber, we can make it." she said hopeful.

i nodded.

we threw our food away and caught an uber. i have to tell you, this is the weirdest uber ride i've ever been in.

"so, where are you heading to?" the driver said.

"the airport." dallas said looking out the window.

"well, i know that, but where to after you get there?" he said. i nudged dallas indicating her not to talk.

"okay, so you're not going to talk?" he said.

"sir, new york is where we're going aine you have to know so bad." i said aggravated causing dallas to laugh.

"oh that's cool. i have family there. where in new york?" he said. i sighed.

"none of your damn business. just do your job and take us to the airport please." dallas said.

he nodded.

we got out at the airport and basically ran to the flight. we were a tad late. the driver was focused on us more than driving to where he has to go.

after boarding the flight, dallas and i let out a sigh of relief. what a day.

everything seems to be falling apart.


i was walking through the grass, but the grass was black.

i looked up at the sky, but the sky was black. i looked all around me, but everything was black also.

"where am i?" i said out loud, hoping someone would help me.

all of a sudden, a red dot began to shut on and off. i decided to follow it.

while i kept walking towards it, it became farther. that is until, i must have reached my destination.

the grass caved beneath me, and i fell miles and miles below the ground, landing on a box which was very hard.

on it, was the letters o-p-e-n i-t.

i took myself off of the box, and i decided to open it.

there was somebody laid in there with there hands crossed. but, they had a cloth over their head.

taking the cloth off, this face seemed very familiar.

it was dallas.

and carved in her forehead was the letters...


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