"What about your family? We made vows to each other. You made an oath the day the twins were born to be here."

"I am here."

"Tony, do you know how hard it is being the wife of a Mafia Boss? I am terrified that one day, you're not going to come home and I'll have to explain to the kids why someone would want to kill their daddy. My heart nearly jumps out of my chest, when I wake up and you're not beside me."

"Valeria, I'm sorry. I didn't realize. I promise I'll think of something, baby. Come on, I'm tired. Let's go to sleep."

He took his shirt off and threw on some sweatpants.

He slid into bed beside me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I kissed his cheek and laid my head on his bare chest.

The next day

I awoke alone in the large bed.

My heart was racing until I felt a piece of paper in my hand.

You looked like an angel, so I didn't want to wake you. Breakfast is on the nightstand and the kids and I are at the creek.

P.S. I love you, beautiful.

I blushed at the note. I looked at the nightstand to see a cloche.

I lifted it and saw a platter of fruit, bacon and pancakes. They were still warm.

I quickly ate my breakfast and then joined my family at the creek. Aria, Giovanni, Victor and Bruno were there too.

The twins ran to me and showered me with hugs and kisses.

"Morning mommy."

"Good morning, babies."

Tony was sitting on a picnic blanket, admiring the beautiful scenery.

I sat between his legs and leaned back, so that my head was in the crook of his neck.

"Good morning, baby."

"Morning, beautiful."

He wrapped his arms around me.

"So, I thought about what you said about leaving the Mafia."

"I shouldn't have asked you to leave. It wasn't my place."

"Yes, it is. Valeria, you mean so much to me. You're worth it all."

"What are you saying?"

"I've appointed a new Mafia Boss. Giovanni will be taking over."

"Oh my god. Are you serious?"

"Yes. I want better for my family. My kids need a father. Valeria, we need each other. I don't ever want to be apart."

"But you love what you do. I can't take that away from you."

"I love you three more."

Aria walked towards us.

"Valeria, my father was a Mafia Boss. All he cared about was power. He was never there for me. My childhood was miserable. Don't do that to your kids."

I rubbed her shoulder.

"So, what happens now?"

"We tell everyone else and then we leave this place."

"Leave? But this is our home. It's where we found each other again. It's where we fell in love. It's the only place where I felt like I belonged. This is the only home the twins know."

"Valeria, this is a house. Our love is what makes it a home. No matter where we are, that love will always be there."

I hugged him. As I pulled away, I noticed Aria wiping tears.

"I'm so happy for you. I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'm going to visit you everyday."

Mascara was running down both our faces. We held on each other as we bawled.

"You're always going to be my sister."

"I'm so glad Tony kidnapped you."

"Me too."

We broke out in laughter.

"I did not kidnap her."

"No, but you had someone else take me from my bedroom and never let me leave.", I chuckled.

Our twins ran towards us and we picked them up.

"Daddy, do you have to work today?" Giovanni asked.

"No, I'm not leaving you three ever again."

"Promise, Daddy?", Karina asked hopefully.

"I promise."

Alright, that's not exactly the ending I wanted, but it'll suffice. My big announcement is that I am thinking about writing a sequel to this that will focus on the new mafia boss, Giovanni.

It's not going to be anything like this book. This was my first Mafia book and it was more of a test drive that went really well.

This new book is mainly going to focus on Giovanni finding his footing in his new position as Mafia Boss.

I'm really excited to write this book and I can't wait for you guys to read it.

Goodbye for now😊.

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