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      Beethoven's Ruins of Athens No

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      Beethoven's Ruins of Athens No.4 played in the background. Idle chatter going on all around. Waiters passing around champagne from one person to the other like a plague. Such elegant evening gowns round the hall. The music seemed to move through her, she'd never been one for such music and yet she was enjoying it, more than she thought she would. It was possible she only liked it because it was better than trying to make small talk with the wealthy men and women in the room. Granted there were a few people her age or a little older. But she didn't want to move. She looked at her silver slim chain wrist watch. It won't be long now. Her first and only champagne flute still in her hand. Standing close enough to her parents for them to notice her and far enough for her to be alone, she watched as four couples moved the the middle of the hall and swayed their pair of tangled hands to the music.
       Noticing the man and his wife approach her parents, she looked away. Seeing her friend's parents talking to some people not too far from her, she smiled. "Bryan." Her mother's warm voice caught her attention. "Renee." Her mother smiled. "It's nice to see you." Hand shakes, hugs and cheek kisses ensued from both pairs.
      "This is our daughter, Lucille." Her father introduced. Lucille smiled, stepping closer to her parents. "Lucille, this is Mister Atkins and his wife."
       The pair smiled at her. She smiled back. "We have heard a lot about you."
       "Not a lot, but enough." Renee added to her husband's words.
Bryan stretched out his hand towards Lucille. "Dance with me." Lucille smiled, nodded and followed him. Dropping her glass on the nearest tray.
       "She is beautiful." Renee said to her parents. "Such elegance." Her mother chuckled, her father smiled. "And that dress."
      "Her sister has a girl. Very good at her job." Her mother said, proudly.
      "Clearly. Oh! You must be so proud of them."
"You're very good at this." Mr. Atkins commented on the way she moved with ease, following his lead as they danced.
      "Thank you." She kept her eyes away from his face.
"You're welcome. You are a vision Lucille." She looked at her friend's parents. They smiled at her. "Certainly the highlight of the evening. I've heard about your beauty but-"
      "I have a sister too." She felt the need to mention.
"Ah. Yes. The actress. she's not here unfortunately. I choose to pay compliments to who I can see. But I hear there's no comparing you two. Such rivaling beauties. And seeing you I can only say it's true."
      "Thank you. Mister Atkins."
He smiled. "Tell me. Do you work for your father?" Fourth job offer of the evening on its way. "I'm sure you would make a great addition to my company."
      "You're sure?"
"I do know it would be a good learning experience. It's clearly up to you. You did go to college didn't you?"
      "I did." She and her sister also spent a little over six months learning about her father's company. Not that it was his business.
     "Good. I say that's reason enough to hire you."
"Thank you for the offer Mister Atkins."
He chuckled. "Call me Bryan." Lucille nodded. "Thank you. Mister Atkins." The song stopped. She stepped away from him.
      He smiled. Having expected her to call him Bryan and lost. "Think about it."
      "I will." She said. Turning around and walking over to her parents. "Hi." She smiled at them.
      "That was nice." Her mother said, taking Lucille's hand.
"Yes of course. I have to go." She blurted.
"Yes mom. I need to check on Nina." She pulled away without waiting for a response. She went to meet her friend's parents.      "Hi."
      "Beautiful as always Lucille." She hugged the woman who spoke."
      "Thank you." She smiled. "I'm leaving now. I'll check on Geegee on my way home."
      "Oh good. Thank you darling."
Lucille nodded and left them. Walking and smiling sharply at anyone who looked her way. Shoulder brushing the arm of a person in a black suit as she walked out the building.
     The young man turned around. Only seeing red hair before whoever hit him vanished. He turned back around, getting the attention of his parents seconds later. "Nick." His mother called out in a loud whisper, making her way to him, a scowl on her face. "You're late." He smirked.

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