(40)Blue-bathed Revelations

Start from the beginning

Sonya giggled as we started the match. I'm fairly sure they could tell just how obsessive I was around their angelic friend.

It took some time to get used to the controller- the buttons all looked the same, and by half-time, I was losing quite badly against Sonya. I cussed as Trita cheered us on.

No matter- I knew I'd pick it up fast.

It was sort of the same feeling I had when I'd first met Aurora's friends. I'd felt slightly left out and definitely out of place. They weren't my kind of people- then again; neither was Aurora in the beginning.

But soon enough, I grew used to them; even to a point of actually liking them. They were genuinely kind-hearted, fun to be around and they treated Aurora with the utmost care. I valued the love they offered her. She seemed so relaxed around them.

I hated myself for once trying to break that trust and reliance they had between each other. I was a monster back then, the feeling of ripping them from her immensely satisfying, but now...

I only felt shame.

I could still feel that familiar monster inside me; I knew it would never completely leave me, and I was glad.

The things I had to do everyday weren't for the faint of heart.

I needed that dark, sinister side of me, and Aurora knew it too. She didn't try to change it, but instead, she accepted it- even encouraged it sometimes, allowing that side of me to resurface and to breathe.

She was perfect for me; letting me be the creature I was, while also bringing forward a side of me I thought to be long gone.

Like I'd told her before- I'd be the beast to her beauty, no matter how cliché it sounded, it was entirely true. Clichés existed for a reason, because they sparked a truth other words couldn't ignite.

She was my salvation, I was her destruction. I didn't want to change that- not one bit.

I would consume her and my monster would lust after her for an eternity, and with that, I was perfectly content. I never gave her the image of an angel, far from it.

She knew what I was when she fell for me.

I had no desire to change; I felt she had no desire to change me either. We we're similar in many ways- cold, detached, sometimes cruel, crazed and curious..
Why have us both be the hero?

Where was the fun in a coin with two of the same sides?

It was a game- sometimes the darkness won, and sometimes the light. Sometimes Aurora pushed back my demons, and sometimes I brought hers tumbling down.

At times I saved her from reality, and other days she brought me back down to earth.

We were a team. I'd fight to keep it that way.

"How are you doing this?" Sonya groaned in frustration as I scored another goal.

The game was nearly done and just like with Aurora, I'd figured out exactly how to work the controller's buttons. I didn't spare a glance to the open-mouthed girl as I annihilated her.

"Anyone ever tell you that you're really competitive?" Trita asked with a wide grin.

I smirked, my eyes fixed on the screen as another goal flew into Sonya's net; "Oh, many times..."

The last whistle blew and Sonya sighed with a sad smile; "Dammit... I thought I finally found something you're not good at."

"It's a lost cause, girl..." Trita said as she handed me a slice of pizza.

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