Chapter 10 - Mysterious Old Man

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"-And you know the rest. But enough with the storytelling, I still have a kingdom to run. We'll just end all of you as soon as possible." Scorpio said while grinning evilly while the other demons cackled evilly.

The 6 knights gasped as Scorpio blasted them with his power.

"What are we going to do?" Cancer nervously asked as she manage to dodge Scorpio's attack.

"Get the weapons, quick!" Capricorn grunted.

The 6 knights dashed towards the weapons, who miraculously manage to avoid all the demons' attack.

"Don't let them get their hands on the weapons." Scorpio ordered as he saw the 6 knights headed towards the weapons.

All the demon generals nodded their heads and made a dash towards the weapons.

"Oh no, you don't!" Aquarius exclaimed as she saw the knights getting more closer to the weapons.

"Tsunami Blast!"

The 6 knights gasped as they didn't manage to dodge Aquarius' unexpected water attack.

Before the knights can stand up, another blast of attacks was sent their way that send them flying even further from the weapons.

"Lava Balls!"

"Hurricane Wind!"

"Multiple Punch!

"Spiraling Swords!"

"Ice Blast!"

The demon generals cackled evilly as they saw the 6 knights all groaning and grunting in great pain. Their bodies are decorated with bruises, wounds and blood.

"Give up!" Scorpio exclaimed in his booming voice as he landed in front of the demon generals, grinning evilly at them.

"No! Never!" Capricorn manage to grunt as he cough out some blood.

"Oh! Still not giving are we." Scorpio grinned as he look at the grunting knights in front of him.

"But all of you are already in pain. How about we stop them as soon as possible. What do you say?" Scorpio added as he look at the knight then to the demon generals.



"Of course."

"I say, kill them now."

"That would be great!"

The demon generals all exclaimed, giving approval at their king's decision.

"Well, okay!" The demon king shrugged while giving an evil grin, showing all his canine teeth.

"So how do you want your death to be?" Scorpio asked the knights before him, his evil grin still not living his face.

"Screw you!" Virgo manage to gasped while spitting at Scorpio.

"Oh! Feisty, aren't we? I like it! How about I kill you first." Scorpio said wiping the spit on his face and grab Virgo's purple locks.

"VIRGO! NO!" The remaining knights manage to cry, despite the pain, as they saw Scorpio yanked her purple hair, slowing drifting to unconciousness.

"Don't worry! All of you will watch how I kill her." Scorpio cackled evilly along with his demon generals.

Scorpio raised his hands with ball of dark energy at the now unconscious Virgo.

"NO!" The 5 bruising knights shouted as Scorpio was about to struck Virgo with his ball of dark energy.

Suddenly, a very bright light illuminates the room, blinding all of them and stops Scorpio from striking at Virgo.

As the light subsided, an old man stood before them, holding what seems to be a magical staff.

"Who are you?" Scorpio ordered, unceremoniously drop the unconsious Virgo from his strong hold.

"My name is not important. I've come here to stop you, demons, from killing the destined knights and getting the weapons." The mysterious old man exclaimed.

"What are you going to do, old man? Hit me with your stick?" Scorpio mocked as the 5 demon generals laugh.

"LUCENS!" The old man shouted, raising his staff as a bright, white light illuminated the room, only blinding the demons.

"One of you get the weapons and get Virgo and stand beside me after, before the lights subside." The old man said urgently.

The knights shakily stood up and went beside the old man while Capricorn and Taurus went to get Virgo. And Pisces went to get the 6 weapons cautiously , to avoid slicing her hands.

As they arrived beside their friends, the old man chanted, "IANUAE MAGICAE."

The old man, along with the 6 knights and the 6 weapons, suddenly teleported just in time as the light vanish.

"Dammit!" Scorpio cursed as he saw the empty room.

"Your majesty, what are we going to do?" Sagittarius step forward and asked.

"We'll search for them! They're not far from here, I can feel it. We need to get the weapons and kill the knights before they kill us." Scorpio ordered as his face darkened.

The 5 demon generals nodded and flew out of the place.

Somewhere in the forest, there was a bright light and out came an old man, 5 battered knights and 1 unconscious knight.

"Are you all okay? Can you manage to stand?" The old man asked as he saw the condition their in.

The knights nodded their head weakly.

"Good! Don't worry my house is nearby. You can rest their for awhile." The old man said as they started walking.

After a minute or two of walking, they arrived in front of a small cabin.

"Come in!" The old man ushered the knights to go inside.

"You can rest here." The old man exclaimed motioning to the bed. Capricorn and Taurus tucked Virgo on one of the beds before following the others' example.

But before Capricorn can succumb to the darkness, he looked at the old man and ask him, "Who are you?"

"Don't worry about that, you need to rest first! We'll talk after you woke up." The old man answered, offering Capricorn a small smile.

When the old man saw the reluctance in Capricorn's eyes, he sighed. "Don't worry! I can assure you, I'm not your enemy."

Capricorn, sensing the sincerity in the old man's voice, nodded his head and succumb to the darkness like the rest of the knights.

The old man gave a sad sigh as he look at all the unconscious knights before him.

All of you still got a long way to go!

The old man sigh again as he treated all their wounds one by one.

Author's Note:

Yay! Just finished Chapter 10. Sorry for the errors, if their is one, but I hope you liked it!

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Sorry for the long wait! I was really busy with school.


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