Chapter 7 - The Great Celestial War [3]

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Sorry for the long wait, Here's Chapter 7. Hope you will like it. Be sure to leave your comment below and don't forget to hit that vote button. Thank you!

Third Person's POV:

The 6 of them went towards where the Demon King and his 5 generals are standing.

"Oh! Someone wants to die early." The Demon King grin.

The 6 knights prepared themselves in case of any attacks.

"Humans are really fools! You do know that any weapon can't kill us." The Demon King gave an evil laugh followed by the 5 Demon Generals.

"Yes, we know that but these are not ordinary weapons." With that said Athena sliced at the Demon King who was caught off guard.

He touched his face and was surprise to see blood.

"H..How?" His eyes widened and looked at the 6 knights before him.

"We told you already, these are not ordinary weapons." Caleb answered.

"Prepare yourselves. Looks like we'll be having some fun." The Demon King exclaimed who finally gain his composure.

The 5 Demon Generals prepare themselves and just like that all hell break loose.

Caleb, Apollo, Zeus, Diana and Alena are fighting the Demon Generals while Athena is fighting the Demon King.

"You'll pay for what you've done on my face." The Demon King hissed.

"And you'll be paying for what you've done at our village." Athena shouted and leaped at the Demon King, Superia, whose both wrath and pride.

The two of them were slicing, stabbing, and dodging each other's sword.

Diana was having a hard time battling her opponent. Whenever she would draw her bow and arrow, Avaritia, the Demon General of greed, would attempt to strike her. She has no choice but to keep on dodging her sword.

Caleb and Invidi, the Demon General of envy, were clashing each other's weapon, Caleb's scythe versus Invidi's sword.

"I have to admit, your good in fighting but I'm better than you." Invidi exclaimed, smirking at Caleb.

"We'll see about that!" Caleb smirked and their clashing continues.

Zeus was having a hard time keeping up with Luxur, the Demon General of lust, who was fast on his feet.

Zeus hissed when he felt something grazed his skin. He raised his spear just in time to block Luxur's sword.

Zeus gave a surprise kick at Luxur's abdomen. He smirked when the Demon General cough out some blood.

Apollo made a strike at Gula, the Demon General of gluttony, who block Apollo's scythe with her own sword.

"If you beg me, maybe I can make your death fast and less painful." Gula exclaimed and gave an evil grin.

"Not going to happen." Apollo said and strike at Gula who managed to dodge it with ease.

"Tsk!! If that's what you want." Gula exclaimed.

Alena was dodging Acedia, the Demon General of sloth.

"Tsk! Hold still so I can kill you fast." Acedia hissed and strike Alena who manage to block it with her spear.

Alena gave a side kick at Acedia. Acedia,who didn't see it coming, was thrown to the ground.

She spit some blood and snarl, "You're paying for that."

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