After everyone was settled, we told Danny about our day.

"So." Louis smiled. "Guess what we did."


"We redid everyone's rooms." I spoke up.

"Are you serious?"

"Come look." I smiled.

We first went to her room and she looked around in tears.

We first went to her room and she looked around in tears

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(Danny's room)

"This is beautiful you guys!"

"Thanks." Louis smiled and hugged her. "But the best is to come."

We then went to Claire-Elizabeth's room.

We then went to Claire-Elizabeth's room

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(Claire-Elizabeth's room)

"How cute." she said running over to the tree. "How did you guys thinks of this?"

"I don't know. It was Marcel's idea." I shrugged.

"Well, he did amazing."

"I thought of the boys room though." I smiled.

"Let's see."

So we did.

(Phoenix and Patrick's room)

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(Phoenix and Patrick's room)

She cried her eyes out.

"Harry, this is amazing! It's so cute."

"Well, I thought of our room." Louis pouted.

We then went down to the basement to see.

We then went down to the basement to see

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(Harry and Louis' room)

"Woe." was all Danny could say.


I looked around at all the kids and Danny and Louis. I looked around at my room. I looked around at my home and family. Something I never thought I could have.

Oh happy days.


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