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Maia's P.O.V

"Don't you two have something better to do than follow Scott everywhere like a lost puppy?" The twins glared at me while I shot them a sarcastic smile as they left Scott alone, "You don't have to protect me, I'm a tru-" He stated and closed his locker.

I waved him off, "Yeah, yeah. Your a true alpha, I get it."

He gave a goofy grin as I rolled my eyes, "Have you talked to Stiles about last night?" I asked Scott and he shook his head.

"I'm about to right now, he wanted to meet in the chemistry classroom."

"Great, I'll come with you."

We walked down the hallway and found the chemistry classroom, in there was Stiles pacing back and forth. Stiles stopped as he saw us come in, "Stiles why are we here? We already figured out that Barrow was here." I spoke.

Stiles nodded, "But we never figured out who told him to kill Kira though." He stated and I furrowed my eyebrows, "Stiles what are you implying here?"

He was about to speak when his eyes fell on the chalkboard, "What? It was right here." I heard Stiles mutter to himself, "What was right here Stiles?" Scott asked his best friend.

"It doesn't matter, I still have the key."

He walked to the chemistry closet and got out his keys, his eyebrows furrowed when the mystery key was nowhere to be found, "I had it this morning, I swear to god I had it this morning." Stiles breathed out.

"The key we were talking about last night?" Scott questioned him and he nodded, "Yeah I showed to you last night, didn't I?" Stiles asked him and Scott shook his head.

"But you showed it to me." I interjected between the two and Stiles eyes met mine, "Stiles what the hell is going on here?" I inquired.

Stiles sighed before explaining, "I was here a couple of hours ago and the message on the board that was telling Barrow to kill Kira was in my handwriting, and I had the keys to the chemistry closet."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Wait-- so your saying that you unlocked the chemistry closet for Barrow to hide in from the cops and... you wrote a message on the board for him to kill Kira?" I breathed out.

"It was here, it was all here." He whispered to himself.

Scott put his hand on Stiles shoulder, "Dude, are you feeling okay?" He asked his best friend, "Your looking really tired." I stated as I notice the bags that are starting to appear under his eyes.

Stiles muttered a yeah, "Why don't we go see Scott's mom, I think she can help." I suggested and he nodded as we three said our goodbyes. I grabbed the keys from Stiles hands, "Hey-- what are you doing?"

Hold Me Down||S. STILINSKI Where stories live. Discover now