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Maia's P.O.V

I look outside the window of Derek's loft and stare at the full moon, I should not be here. I'm sure they can find their friend without me. I see my eyes flicker blue through the window and I blink to see it change to my normal warm brown eyes, I should go home and chain myself before I shift into a coyote.

I feel my claws start to come out and I start to chant, "Alpha, Beta, Omega." I whispered over and over again. The sound of paper being smacked down on a table makes me flinch and I turn around to see Stiles explaining how we break in the the bank and save Boyd and whoever else is in there with him.

"Okay see this, that's how they got in. It's the roof top air conditioning vent that leads all the way inside to the vault, which is here." Stiles explained as he circled something on the map, "One of the robbers was led into this shaft, now this space is so small it took about twelve hours to drill into the wall which is stoned by the way. Then through the rest of the night, they siphoned the cash back up to the guys on the roof from that little shaft in the wall. Boom!" Stiles explained to us.

That must've been one hell of a robbery for it to completely be closed down, "Can we fit in there?" I asked. If I'm going to be saving someone's ass from an Alpha Pack, I have to know how I'm going to do it, "Yes we can but very barely and they also patched the wall obviously so we're going to need a drill of some kind, I was thinking maybe a diamond bid-" Stiles got cut off by Derek's more easier solution.

"Forget the drill" Derek stated and Stiles turned to him, "Sorry?" Stiles said.

"If I go in first how much space do I have?" Derek asked and there was a pause for a minute till Stiles came up with a sarcastic comment, how lovely, "What do you think you're gonna do Derek, punch through the wall?" Stiles questioned sarcastically and Derek crossed his arms and put on a sarcastic smile.

"Yes I'm going to punch through the wall." Derek stated with a nod, "Okay let's see that fist, big ol' fist come on. Get it out there, don't be scared." Stiles encouraged and by the look on Derek's face, I can tell he is getting so annoyed. I quietly laugh when he slowly makes a fist and punches Stiles hand.

Derek shot me a glare and I stop laughing, if only looks could kill I would be 12 feet under by the look he is giving me.

"I'll get through the wall, who's following me down?" Derek asked as he looks at us but lands his eyes on one person I already don't like, Satan himself in a V-neckline t-shirt A.K.A Peter Hale.

Derek's psychotic uncle who bit Scott and tried to kill his friends not to long ago along with a killing spree that involved Kate Argent who set the Hale house on fire, killing everyone in it except Derek and Peter. Scott and Stiles filled me in of the whole fiasco that happened last year that changed their lives forever.

Hold Me Down||S. STILINSKI Where stories live. Discover now