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XVI|Alpha Pact

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XVI|Alpha Pact

Maia's P.O.V

Here I am now, hugging my cousin and never letting go, "Where is she?" Derek asked me and I shake my head as I untangle myself from the hug, "I don't know, Stiles and Scott went upstairs to go find her" I told him as footsteps came down the hallway. I get up on my feet and see Stiles, "Did you find her?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No, she took Scott's mom and Scott he uh-- he went with Deucalion" He breathed out and I knit my brows together, "He did what? Why the hell would he go with Deucalion?" I questioned him.

"Because Deucalion told him that he could help find his mother"

Mother, that word had me worried about my own mom and why she isn't standing beside Stiles, "Stiles where is my mom?" I asked him carefully and hoped that he gives me the right answer. He glanced at me with an apologetic look, "Jennifer took her as well, I'm sorry Maia" his words felt like everything had stopped, like everything is happening in slow motion.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Maia? Maia, talk to me" I hear Stiles' voice call out to me but I couldn't answer him, I feel my knees give out as I drop to the floor, "Maia!?" Derek's voice shouted but I couldn't talk.

"I think she is having a panic attack!" Stiles exclaimed and I feel someone's hands on my shoulders, "Maia breathe"

I keep wheezing out as I see Stiles looking straight at me, I tried to breathe but I couldn't until I felt his lips connect to mine and I feel myself holding in a breath, I close my eyes and melt into the kiss. We both pull away and I could feel myself breathe again, I smile a bit as I look into his eyes, "Thank you" I thanked him as I get back up.

But the smile from my lips turned into a frown as I remember what he just told me, Jennifer took my mom and Scott's mother as well. My face hardened as I spoke, "That bitch is going to pay" I gritted through my teeth as I attempt to walk out the elevator but Derek stops me as he gets on his feet, "Woah, what about Cora"

I stop in my tracks as I remember Peter put Cora in Isaac's S.U.V and they are probably gone by now, "She's safe with Peter and Isaac, I think it was the Argent's car they put her in-- I don't know but she is safe" I breathed out.

Derek nodded as he straightened out his shirt, "I'm going to go find them, you two stay here" He stated as he walked out the elevator and I quirk up and eyebrow, "Der--" I tried to protest about us staying here but he was already gone. I sighed turning back to Stiles, "What do we do know?" He asked me and I shrugged my shoulders, "Keep the cops off Derek as long as we can" I suggested.

I hate how we have to be stuck here when our parents could be getting ritually sacrificed right now, I should have stayed with my mom, maybe I could have protected her from that psychotic bitch. Who knew that an English teacher would be the one committing sacrifices on her lunch hour and then going back to teaching for the rest of the day, clearly not us.

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