"Ok Miss Philosophy, calm down. I don't think I'm the reincarnation of Jesus." That's a lame nickname, but it's all I can come up with. Chloe is a lot better with the nicknames.

"You know who I'm the reincarnation of?" She asks.

"Who?" Either some famous rock band punk or a revolutionary.

"Che Guevara. I mean, it all makes sense." I was right. The second guess was at least.

"How so Che?"

"Well, I-I can shoot a gun, pretty well I may add. Plus I'm pretty sure I'm a tiny bit Argentinian."

"Well why did I ever doubt you? Of course you're Che Guevara's reincarnation!" I say sarcastically.

"Shut up!" She responds playfully. "Oh, and we were both shot by some American asshole." It's safe to assume she's talking about Nathan. I wonder what happened to him. Did Mark end up getting him, or is he alive in one of his family bunkers?

"Well, at least I saved you. Che had nobody to save him."

"Thanks to you, we can go take over the world! Like we always wanted to."

"Except we won't be pirates, we'll be revolutionaries." I say.

"That's right, Castro. Just the two of us against the world." Chloe keeps her eyes focused on the road. "...So, remember how you said you loved me?" She says after a long time of being silent. Oh geez, if this isn't the most awkward thing ever then I don't know what is.
Well...yeah, I do/I meant as friends

"Well, I mean, yeah, I do." I say quietly.

"Really? Hmm, well I knew that kiss in my room wasn't for nothing!" Actually it kinda was. I only did it because she wanted me to so badly. Plus, I was a little curious myself. It was my first time ever kissing a girl before. "Just curious, Caulfield. That's all." She starts to blush. That's it? I thought she'd be a little more excited. I always thought she had some crush on me, even when we were younger.
(Go to next part)

"I meant as friends." I say awkwardly.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, you know how best friends will sometimes say 'I love you'?" Chloe looks saddened. I think she's always had a crush on me, ever since we were younger. I could just tell.

"Oh, yeah I understand. That's what I meant too." I'm sorry Chloe, I just don't like you like that. I really have to sit down and think about these kind of things. It's been too long since I've done that.
(Go to next part)

(Next part)
We pull up to the Prescott barn. It looks virtually untouched. Probably because it's a ways away from the bay. But seeing the severity of that storm, it's possible it could have made it up here, though it looks like it didn't. I get out and start to go around to the side entrance we made.

"Uh, Max? I think we've got company." Chloe says while looking at the front entrance. The padlock is off and the door is open a crack.

"Chloe, do you have any bullets for that gun?" I don't know who's in there. It could very easily be someone dangerous.

She's silent. "Well, what's a bullet anyways, right?" She says sarcastically, with an awkward smile. What does that even mean?

"Damnent Chloe! We may be in serious danger, and all you can think to do is make stupid jokes?!" I don't know what just came over me. I never get angry at Chloe, and I never lash out at her like that. I think I'm just too stressed. It's completely silent now.

"Damn Max. I've never seen you really angry, like ever...It's kinda cute." I try to keep a serious face, but I feel a slight smile coming on. Chloe laughs. "You know, when you're angry, you're kind of like a pissed off puppy."

I laugh. "I'm sorry Chloe. I'm just hella stressed." I say.

"Wait. Did you just say hella?" Huh. I guess I did. I didn't really notice until Chloe pointed it out. She's really starting to rub off on me, especially her lingo.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I say smiling.

"I-I'll start saying your thing. Yeah, how do you like that? Wowser Max, I...oh who am I kidding, I want my hella awesome catch phrase back!"

"Alright, you can have it back." I say laughing. "So, the barn, right?" I guess we got a little sidetracked. With Chloe, that's easy to do.

"Yeah. So, someone is obviously in here." She says

"Not necessarily. David or Mark could have broken out somehow." I don't know how likely that is, but it's still a possibility.

"Hold on..." Chloe says while going to her truck. She walks back over carrying a metal baseball bat. "I call her 'Kindness'." I get it. So she can say: 'looks like I killed them with kindness!' It's a dumb joke, but Chloe could make it funny if she wanted to.

"Why haven't I seen that before?"

"I don't know. I always keep it in my truck, next to my seat. Maybe you're not as observant as you think." That's so weird, I've never seen that thing in there before. "Welp, pissed off puppy dogs first." She says while pointing to the barn doors.

"Clever." I say sarcastically. I walk in to the barn, and Chloe follows right behind me, holding her bat like she's ready to go clubbing or something. Nothing really looks any different from the last time we were here. We walk over to the not-so-hidden-anymore stairs. The big steel door is open. Wide open.

"Shit! Something happened! Someone must have been here, or maybe they're still here." She whispers. "Let me get in front. I do have the bat." I back up and Chloe gets in front of me. "Ok Caulfield, stay right behind me, ok?" She says to me like I'm a little kid. Maybe she's forgetting that I'm the one with the super power. But I can't do anything if I'm dead. We slowly walk down the stairs and push open the door at the bottom. It makes a slight creaking sound as Chloe pushes it open.


There's a loud booming sound and a low grunt coming from the darkroom. "Alright Max, I'm going in there. You stay here."
Chloe goes in/You go in

If Chloe goes in, go to Chapter 11
If you go in, go to Chapter 12

Afterwards: A Life Is Strange Fan-Fiction <A Choice Story>Where stories live. Discover now