Chapter 31

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Well, well, well... What do we have here? *laughs like Pitch*....
Okay, I'm sorry guys for that but I'm just talking random right now since the last chapter ended with a cliffhanger so...

Random Dude: Get on with it!

Me: *In Bunny's accent* O'right, o'right mate... *In Jack's style of speaking* Anyway, let's get on with it.

Optimus Prime: Let's roll


" Get down!"

They all heard someone shouted from behind. They got just in time to duck before huge blue energy blasts were shot past their heads and hit the queen's poison sphere, shattering it to dust. The queen was sent flying backwards and lay there unconscious.

They turned around to find a girl wearing a hood that covered her face landing on the ground before walking towards them. A phoenix flew past the girl and shifted herself into her human form.

" I brought the help you need," Syirayuki said. " The missing puzzle to defeat the Queen."

All of them snapped their heads at her, then at the silent girl back. Jack walked towards the girl slowly.

" ... H?" he asked, tears started welling in his eyes.

The girl smiled from under the hood and pulled it down, revealing her purple hair. Her eyes shone brighter and her hair seemed to glow.

" Missed me?" Hazelia asked ( you caught me there, Snowflake1711 ).

Everyone gasped.

" But we thought you're dead..." Y/N trailed.

Hazelia looked at Manny.

" You didn't tell them, did you?" she asked.

" I want it to be a surprise," he replied.

" You knew all along that she's not dead?" Pegasus asked.

" Well... she didn't die the first time she became a guardian. So I brought her back to life. Now, she's like Jack. A spirit," Manny replied. " And I asked Syirayuki to take care of her at her place while Hazelia was healing herself," he added.

Jack turned to Syirayuki.

" But we didn't saw her at your place," he said.

" I kept her somewhere safe. In a hidden room. Sorry for the shocking news, but I thought you would know... since I did left a note when I took G. Hazelia. The one with the S.O... That stands for Syirayuki Okura, my full name," Syirayuki replied.

" So that explain why I can't find Lys's soul... all the tiring effort I've done to find her soul... Daddy! You knew all along!" Pegasus exclaimed.

They all laughed at Pegasus's childish actions. But then Hazelia's eyes widened.

" Watch out!" she warned but luckily when the approaching poison spheres was about to hit them all, a protecting shield of ice covered them all.

Team [ Big Four + reader + Hazelia (my fictional twin) ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora