Chapter 20

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" It's been four days already!" Jack exclaimed when the fourth day that Hazelia should be back finally reached.

He had been pacing back and forth for a while now.

" Relax, Jack... maybe—what's that?" Y/N said, pointing at a small white thing that slowly landed on the ground. She ran to it and picked it up.

It's a piece of paper.

" A letter," she said, looking at the others.

Jack took the paper from her.

" The Queen of Evils," he grew silent as he read the paper, then his eyes went wide. " We need to get to her palace. And I mean NOW. I'm calling North." he demanded and flew off after crumpling the paper and throwing it on the ground.

Y/N picked it up and read the wrinkled paper after he disappeared, leaving them all dumbfounded.

Oh, I'm enjoying Hazelia's company very much. But sadly, she lost consciousness since the first day I brought her here. And I'm afraid she don't have much time. You may take her now. I should have given you this letter the first day, but oh dear did I forgot.
~ Hugs and kisses to all of you, Q. O. E. ( Queen Of Evils )

Y/N tore the paper to bits and threw it in the dustbin before gesturing at the others to follow Jack. When they came out of the academy, a big, shiny sleigh already awaited them with strong reindeers with North leading the way, Jack sitting beside him.

" Quick, Y/N," Tooth said as she helped the girl climbed up the sleigh.

" Why aren't the others following. Just you guardians?" she asked.

" We have no enough space," Tooth replied.

" Then why did I get to follow?" Y/N asked again.

" Because you may be handy," Tooth answered.

" But—"

" Oh, just sit down will you?" Summer said to Y/N in annoyance as they flew off. " You're like a talking cricket." she added. Then she bit her lower lip with her eyes wandering everywhere.

" Don't mind, Summer. She's just being worried about everything," Tooth whispered in Y/N's ear. " And nice to finally meet you, Y/N."

" Why does she gets angry a lot?" Y/N asked. " And nice to meet you too, Tooth Fairy."

" Please, just call me Tooth. And well... I gotta admit. You are kinda like a talking cricket. But I'm a chirping bird so we're even. Also, about Summer... you have to understand people who died in a fire." Tooth replied with a chuckle at the last part.

" We've finally reached." North said. Before he had even landed, Jack had already flew off.

Jack didn't immediately when to the front door, he flew around the castle first. Searching everything that could show that Hazelia's still inside.

Then he saw the writing on the window.

He flew to it and realized that it was written in blood. The blood had dried though.

Help me. It read.

He rushed to the window and looked inside but it was too dark even tjough he was pretty sure it could only mean that was Hazelia's blood.

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