Chapter 25

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Jack woke up to find himself hearing whispers of his name.



Then the voice turned to a desperate one while he was shook violently.

" Wake up, you freaking snowman!" the girl's voice yelled.

He sat up with a jolt.

And turned towards the girl...

It's Pegasus.

" I thought you're dead, joining Lys." she stated, glaring at him.

" I... I had a dream. It's about a girl. She was like, trapped in something...  and I felt trapped as well. Like somehow I'm that girl," Jack said.

Pegasus looked blankly at him for a while then bursted out laughing.

" You? You're a girl? Oh, dear moon! Jack's a girl! What should I call you then? Jacklyn?" she teased.

" That's rude." Jack said then his eyes widened. " Don't tell me you've been watching me sleep all night long... I mean, you're a ghost and that just give me the creeps."

This time Pegasus glared at him.

" I have way more better things to do than watching you have your beauty sleep, snowman. The screaming were everywhere so I thought I come upstairs which is just yours and Lys's rooms," she explained.

" Screaming?" Jack asked and Pegasus nodded.

" Everyone's having nightmares. I think you're having one too. But why I came into your room is... there's a reason," Pegasus replied.

Jack raised his eyebrows.

" Follow me. You might have a fright with this." the ghost girl said and stood up as Jack followed her to Hazelia's room.

When she was inside she stopped.

" Notice anything weird?" she asked, crossing her arms.

It's was obvious to see that Hazelia's body was missing from her box, the lid was left opened slightly, like the person who opened it was in a rush and didn't have time to cover it properly.

" H..." Jack began. " Where did she go?!"

" I know. I don't know when this happened but we'll need to get the others," Pegasus said firmly.

The two rushed out of the room through the window as Pegasus changed into her real form.

" Get on my back," she said.

" What? No way," Jack argued.

" I'm way more faster than your weak flying skill, idiot."

" One ride." he replied after thinking for a while and shaking his head, he sat on her back.

" That's what you always said, old man." Pegasus stated with a snort then flew off as quick as lightning.

Jack felt like he had just blinked a few times when they finally reached North's workshop.

Pegasus changed back to her human form when he climbed down and greeted North with a polite smile.

" There's something we need to talk about, North," Jack started.

" Lys's missing," Pegasus added.

" What?!" North asked and the two nodded. " I need to call the others. Go back to the academy and find Hiro Hamada. That boy can see through the CCTV he has."

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