Chapter 10

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" We need to tell North. And I think, NOW." Jack urged.

Hazelia was silent for a while but then she nodded.

" Okay. But we need to inform the others first," she added.

Together, they flew away from forest and headed back to the academy. As they landed in front of the academy's huge door, Jack went in first while she took a deep breath and followed after him, searching for the others.

Finally, they found their friends still at the academy's park, where they had left them.

" Hey, guys. Well, me and Jack have to go to the North Pole so if anybody ask about us, teacher or not, just said we're at North's workshop, okay?" Hazelia informed.

" Alright," Y/N, Rapunzel, Merida and Hiccup replied in unison.

" Thanks. Let's go, Jack," Hazelia said as she placed a hand on Jack's shoulder and they vanished into thin air as Hazelia teleported them.

" Must be great teleporting, huh?" Y/N asked.

The rest just shrugged, though they all wondered what was going on that could be so important to the two young guardians.


When the two appeared in front of North's workshop, they went straight inside, shocking one of North's yetis, while North greeted them casually.

" Hazelia and Jack! I had a feeling you are coming!" he exclaimed with his thick Russian accent.

" Please don't tell me you're feeling that in your belly," Jack joked.

Hazelia just shook her head and rolled her eyes before her expression turned serious.
" I think you need to call the others."

At the sound of her grave tone, North's warm smile turned into a frown and he knew there was something wrong... he could feel it.

He immediately sent out the Northern Lights, summoning the other guardians.

One by one, they all appeared, with Bunny being the first to arrive, then Tooth, then Sandy and soon the rest of them.

" Oh, what now?" Summer complained, huffing.

" Chill it, Sum. Important news here," Jack said.

" Could you just shut it? I'm not in the mood," Summer snapped harshly.

" You're never in the mood, Summer," Autumn, the spirit of autumn and the Guardian of Calmness said as she appeared beside Summer, brought by the gust of the autumn wind. " Don't mind her. You know she's not good in the cold, that'll explain her rudeness, crankiness and grumpiness." she added in her calm voice, smiling warmly at Jack.

Summer only huffed again.

" Now, what do you want us here for?" Mother Nature, The Leader of the Guardians of Nature, asked.

" Well, Hazelia would be the one to explain, actually. She got a vision," Jack answered.

They all turned to Hazelia and waited for the what she was about to tell.

Hazelia stepped forward and took a deep breath.

" I had a vision... glimpses of the coming dance and a voice I didn't recognize told me there will be a new student coming to the academy. Then the voice muffled and when it's clear again, it said "darkness is lurking"... that's the last thing the voice said," Hazelia explained and the others gasped.

Even Summer stopped her complaining and a shocked expression took place on her face.

" That's... that's not..." she stammered.

" It's not NOT but definitely the Queen of Evils... I can feel it," Waters chimed in, her voice sounded like the echo of deep underwater. Her whole body rippled as she shook with worry since she was made out of water before she composed herself and her body stayed still again.

" Yeah. So we might need to prepare for whatever's coming," Hazelia agreed.

" Yes. Now, Jack, Hazelia and Waters, you three need to inform all the teachers that tomorrow all of you need to gather at..." North trailed as he couldn't find the perfect place for the whole academy to gather.

" Practice Forest," Hazelia suggested.

" Right! That place is big enough for millions of people and creatures," North agreed. " Now, we need to gather them is because we need to teach them to fight. Especially Y/N L/N," he continued. The rest nodded in agreement at the mention of the new girl. " All you guardians must be there too." he finished.

" I'm afraid this "darkness" is not a pleasant one but indeed a bad one." Hazelia joined.

" Alright, mate. Now what do we all have to do for today?" Bunny asked, already tapping his foot anxiously.

" Today. You can do whatever you want. Nothing is to be done today. Now you can all go," North answered, dismissing them.

They all went to their different destinations after bidding farewell but when Hazelia was about to go, North stopped her.

" You can go, Jack. There's something I need to talk to Hazelia." he said when Jack lingered there. Jack nodded and flew off after waving at them. " I need you to give this to Y/N L/N." North said after Jack disappeared, taking out a necklace with a crystal heart pendant.

The crystal reflected light and it was beautiful, looking like a delicate piece of jewellery, hanging from a golden necklace chain.

" Oh, okay." Hazelia replied without question, taking the necklace gently into her hand.

" Remember, you must protect Y/N," North reminded.

" Yeah, I know. And I'm trying to do the best I can," Hazelia replied.

" Good. I'm still sorry for thinking you're a troublemaker... we guardians shouldn't have treated you like that when you can't control your powers," North said with a smile.

" Oh, that's nothing. I'm fine with it. It's not like I'm taking revenge or something," Hazelia joked. " Bye, North." she turned around and started heading for the door.

" Farewell, Hazelia," North said as Hazelia flew off.

When Hazelia reached the academy, she walked towards Y/N and the others at the cafeteria.

" Hi, guys. Y/N? Can I talk to you for a while?" she asked, looking at the new girl.

" Well, sure." Y/N replied as she stood up and followed Hazelia.

They went to a corner and stopped.

" So, I'm just gonna give you this. North asked me to." Hazelia said with a smile, the heart necklace dangling in her hand.

" Wow. I... thank you. But why?" Y/N asked, taking the necklace and putting it on.

" I wish I know. But remember, put it on every time. Don't, take it off. No matter wherever you go, this necklace must be with you. Alright?" Hazelia asked.

Y/N nodded.

" Okay, let's go to the others."

When they sat back down, Y/N asked about Hazelia age.

" You don't know?" Hazelia asked.

" Well, I mean physically," Y/N shrugged sheepishly.

" Oh... well, the day Manny chose me as a guardian, I already became immortal. I should have been fifteen for another four more days. But guess I'm still stuck with fourteen... all my life. So... I'm the youngest member here!" Hazelia explained.

" Right, little sister," Jack chimed in.

Hazelia onlg glared in return.

" Hey, even though I'm the youngest, I don't act like a child. Especially YOU. So don't judge Hazelia by her age," she declared.

" Aren't that suppose to be "don't judge a book by it's cover"?" Hiccup asked and everyone laughed.

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