Nico Meets Mrs Solace ... And Nearly Dies

Start from the beginning

Nico groaned. I'm 89% sure he said "Happy meal". Typical. "Nico? Nico wake up, if you wake up I'll buy you a whole bunch of Happy Meals deal?" I told him, starting to cur up the bandages.


"Deal" he mumbled.

I smiled "how do you feel?" his only reply was "ow".

Ok that was good, he felt the pain, he wasn't going into shock, but I gave him a tiny shot of morphine. "Mum can you clean the blood off his face please, then I'll stitch the cut on his head, Neeks I need to take off the sword, I'll put it in my room don't-"

"No" he said and tried to sit up "you cant-. Its holding a couple souls that ... ow... escaped from the fields of punishment, anyone other then me ... they die .. so don't".

Okay never mind. My mom started wiping away the blood, she noticed when Nico winced. "Oh I'm so sorry sweetie. Its a pleasure to meet you at last Nico, all Will ever does is talk about you"

I wasn't the only one who blushed, a slight hint of pink coloured Nico's cheeks. That's one way to get rid of his paleness.

"So what was the job?" I asked while I stitched him up.

"A couple of escaped souls front the fields, I was supposed to take them back. It was meant to be a nice simple job, but it was an ambush, me against about 13 of them. I summoned some skeletons but then I stabbed pretty bad so killed everyone quickly, trapped their souls in my sword to take back to dad then I tried to stop the bleeding but it didn't work so I used my last bit of strength to shadowtravel somewhere safe, I prayed to a whole bunch of people of gods and I ended up here" he told me.

His eyes were starting to droop. I finished up the last stitch, "there, all done, you should get some re- WOAH no you cant go you need to REST and HEAL!"

Nico started to sit up "No I cant" he panted "gotta get them souls back home".

I scowled ad crossed my arms "if you go home now, you'll become a permanent resident, which means you'll be dead, just rest up for 24 hours then we'll see how you are"

Nico attempted to glare, it didn't work on me, infact I thought it made him look adorable, I glared back until eventually he laid back down with a huff of defeat. I walked away with a smile.

A couple of hours later me and my family and I were sat around eating a late supper. I'd woken up Nico an hour ago to feed him but now he was passed out. My step-father Peter (senior) had gotten a big surprise when he returned home to a shirtless Nico passed out on the couch covered in blankets.

Both him and PJ knew about my parentage and where I disappeared too. There was a knock on the door "how about I get it this time" I said and went to see who it was. It was a woman with long hair braided with flowers. Lady Persephone. I bowed "er, My Lady how can I help you?" I asked.

"Hello William, I believe my step-son is here" I nodded and stepped aside. I took her to where Nico was sleeping.

"Who was it Wi-" mum asked then stopped short "hello" she said.

Persephone smiled at her then poked Nico "wake up flower" she said then poked him a few more times.

"Who's that?" mum whispered, before I could answer though Nico woke up with a groan.

"Persephoe?" he mumbled.

"As in the goddess" mum whispered again, I just nodded.

"What are you doing here?" Nico continued

"Your father sent me"


"Well he was concerned, I'm here to make sure your ok and also to collect the sword - don't worry I'll give you it right back, but you must agree that these souls will be much better secured in the Underworld as apposed to the suburbs"

"I don't know" I joked "the suburbs can be one hell of a place, you should see them when free casserole's been handing out"

Nico sighed "fine but take care of it, that sword is mu pride and joy ... its my baby" Persephone shook her head "just like your father" then she turned to my mother.

"Thankyou for taking care of my stepson, your garden shall grow and bloom forever, as my way of thanking you, I also took care of that nasty blood stain on the grass. I know how annoying it is, he's always covering the palace in his blood, my poor carpets"

My mother looked lost for words but nodded.

"See you next week for dinner, I'll send someone to return your sword to you"

Everyone shielded their eyes and when we opened them she was gone.

2 days later Nico had near enough fully healed, and he had his sword back (Jules Albert had brought it the day before, my step-father had the shock of his life when he'd opened the door in his bathrobe to reveal a zombie in a suit who shuffled over to a sleeping Nico laying the sword down on his chest before driving away).

Now me and Nico sat in a tree waiting for Mrs Oleary and eating McDonalds "your family seem nice, I mean they let a nearly dead creep crash on their couch for nearly a week" Nico said stuffing fries into his mouth.

I shrugged "they're great". I knew that compared to most demigods I'd gotten lucky when it came down to my mortal family.

"Hows school going?" I asked. I didn't have to be the son of the God of Prophecy to guess his reply.

He rolled his (gorgeous) eyes. Just like I knew he would. "Boring, everyone gets on my nerves, I normally sneak out to do something more entertaining like watching paint dry or reading Demeters list of favourite cereal and cereal based products".

"How 'bout you enrol at my school?" I asked before my brain could think it through. A bunch of fries hovered half way to Nicos mouth.

STUPID! This is Nico! No sudden moves when it comes to this kind of stuff! "I mean the school years just started, and if we go to the same place we'll get the same homework so I can help you with it and you have Mrs O'Leary and Jules Albert and your shadow trav-"


"-el so you can still stay at camp or in the underwo- .... wait? Okay?"

Nico shrugged "yeah, its a good idea, I like it, I'll get my dad to sort it out".

A dark shadow covered the yard, Mrs O'Leary had arrived. Nico leaned over and kissed me "thanks for saving my life Solace" he grinned,

"Anytime Sunshine" I managed to say.

Nico's grin grew and then he jumped out of the tree, landing in a crouch, he climbed onto Mrs O'Learys back and scratched behind her ear, he looked up at me and saluted before Mrs O'Leary ran into the shadow of next door. And then they were gone. 


Hope you like this chapter.

Also I got my grades, I failed two so that's pretty good, well done me.

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