"Lagoona is absolutely correct," affirmed Frankie with a nod of agreement, "We just need to be a little more patient."

"Oh, my rah!" Cleo exclaimed and with confident strides, she positioned herself directly in front of the group, silently emitting an atmosphere that no one could possibly hold a greater sense of importance. "This place looks better than when I first got here, and there is no way this person is more important than me."

With a raised an eyebrow, "Cleo, what are you doing here?" Frankie questioned.

"Yeah. I thought we were supposed to be the only ones doing the greeting?" Draculaura remarked, casting a questioning glance in her direction.

"We are," Clawdeen replied, casting Cleo a suspicious glance.

"You're not serious?" exclaimed Cleo, disbelief written all over her face. Cleo, with a mischievous glint in her eye, gestured theatrically behind them. "Look around, sweeties," She drawled, a smirk playing on her lips, "Everyone's here."

The group of friends had been deeply immersed in their own conversation and planning, completely oblivious to the mayhem unfolding behind them. The entrance was bustling with the entire school - students chattering excitedly, teachers exchanging knowing glances. Every corner of the coffin corridor was filled with familiar faces, creating a scene that was equal parts exciting and exhilarating.

"Crikey!" Lagoona exclaimed in disbelief, her wide eyes reflecting the surprise that washed over her at that moment.

Cleo gestured to the group and declared, "Mistress Bloodgood may have told you guys to greet and show them around school." With a superior smirk, she whipped out her coffin-shaped phone to reveal the latest gossip around the school which had sparked the current chaos. "But she didn't say anything about the rest of us not talking to them afterwards. It's even all over Spectra's blog."

The Ghostly gossip is a blog that publishes rumors from around the school whether truth or false, written by Spectra, a ghost ghoul who aspires to be the first to know and the first to share.

"It pretty much caused an uproar with everyone that the Head Mistress is so willing to go this far for just some guests." Taking back her phone, Cleo glared in annoyance at the post. She, herself, despite being royalty had not received this type of treatment when she had arrived. Looking for something to take her mind off of her troubles, she took pleasure in scrolling down on the webpage to where Heath's face had a large red X over his face. "Well, everyone except Heath"

"Heath?" Draculaura asked, her expression tinged with concern for their fiery Friend. "Is it because he's not allowed near the new student?" She couldn't help but wonder if there was a specific reason behind Heath keeping his distance from the new arrival.

"The poor fella must be absolutely devastated," Lagoona sympathetically remarked.

"Quite the opposite," Cleo chuckled, shaking her head. "Heath remains blissfully unaware, the lone soul in this entire school oblivious to the latest gossip. It's actually quite entertaining, if you take a moment to consider the absurdity of it all."

"But he must have heard the morning announcement," Frankie exclaimed in astonishment, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

"Frankie, let's be real here. You know how Heath is. He's always trying to be the big shot, thinking showing up late makes him look cooler or something. So, it's pretty unlikely that he heard about it." Clawdeen remarked, folding her arms and rolling her eyes in exasperation.

Lagoon looked confused as he spoke, "But surely, he would have at least heard it from one of his mates or someone else around school." His eyebrows furrowed in disbelief, indicating his puzzlement at the situation.

Opposite Attract (The Freaky Chronicles #1)Where stories live. Discover now