The Abandoned Door

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(Well! Two chappies in one day!)

~Last Time~

Don't worry Reboot, I'll Save you.

~This Time~

(Your POV) 

I went back to the Multiverse Judgement Hall with my mom beside me. "Y/n! I thought you left me..." Ink hugged me again. I pushed him and took his boney hand. I dragged him outside and Talk.

"Y/n? What happened?" I went into full tears. Ink hugged me in comfort. "I-I didn't r-realize that I *sob* fought w-with my s-sister." "Sister? Who?" I looked at him. "E-Error..."

His eyes went wide. "How can you tell that Error is your sister?" 

*One Explanation Later becuz it's long*

Ink was very sorry for it. "Ink, We have to save her and I need you."

"Don't worry, I 'll help." Ink approved me and I can tell mom is smirking and fangirling inside.

*Time Skip*

Since Error sometimes leave her void, I need Ink to guard me while I go inside. I opened the portal to Error's void and lucky me, she left!

We entered quietly and we saw a huge, purple door.

We entered quietly and we saw a huge, purple door

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"I'll wait over here, you go ahead Y/n." I nodded and opened the lock with my mother's key.

I unlocked it and opened it and I saw...

Cliffhanger guys! Sorry that I bored you over these days...I have school!! I'm happy about it! (NOT XD)

So I may update slow but I will publish more! So bye for now!

~Author-chan :3

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