Reboot, Your Older Sister

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(Your POV)

I saw someone telling me to follow her. I left them and talked to a strange yet, like a goddess.

"H-hello?" I called out. "Hello, Y/n." How did she know my name? "How do you know my name?" "I am your mother, Y/n. Don't you remember me?" I shake my head no. "Do you know who Reboot is?" I shake no again.  She sighs in disappointment. She touched my head as I entered a flashback.


(Younger Y/n POV)

"Mom? Who is her?" I saw another tall girl, who is very interesting. She has 0's and 1's on her face and looked like digitized and awesome! She has a power button necklace on her neck. (Short explanation of who TF Reboot is XD)"That's your older sister, Reboot." "Reboot?" I walk closer to her. "Hello, Y/n. I'm your older sis, Reboot!"

 I'm your older sis, Reboot!"

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(Imagine she's a girl pls)


"Why aren't you co-operating with me, Y/n?!" I answered her loudly. "I said NO! Error! I won't let you destroy my mom's creations!" 

"You were never like our dad... why are you CREATING stupid worlds?!" This caught my nerve, it's not stupid! "I promised to my mom that I'll protect it!" "I hate you, Y/n! Why would I have a stupid artistic sister like you!" She opened a portal to a dark place and left me behind. I was alone.

~~~~~Flashback ended~~~~~

" my sister?!" I was shocked. "Yes Y/n, she is reboot back then. She helps me when I somehow glitch my AU and she reboots it." (Pun intended XDD)  I feel bad for myself. I was fighting my own sister that I never realize."Mom, is there anyway I can to bring my sister back?"

I have to save my sister. I couldn't lose yet another loved one. "There is a way but you need someone, the same as you, who is an artist and kind. You already know who it is."

"And second, you need to find my paintbrush. It is stored in my kingdom at my abandoned AU but you have to sneak past Error. She has it and locked it forever. I found the key to it, here." She gave a beautiful key with a (f/c) heart gem key.

" She gave a beautiful key with a (f/c) heart gem key

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"Promise me to Save Reboot, Y/n. I'll guide you to it." She turned into a rainbow spirit that I can only see. "Okay, mom..."

Don't worry Reboot, I'll Save you. 

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