Error Vs. The Star Sanses

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(Your POV)

Error took me away and went to the Multiverse Judgement Hall.She tied me up in her blue strings and she punched, kicked, knife bladed, blasted me. My HP was too low at this point. She really wants to kill me anyway.

Y/n Ln

HP:  20/20,000         Def: 20

Losted her hope and Love. Never wants to be the Creator once.

My mouth, bruises, scars, knife wounds are falling for blood. Clothes filled with blood. Blood drips to the floor with Error had a psycho smile.  

"Wow, I really enjoyed it to kill you so far! I really want to destroy your stupid AU so badly, that's why I did it! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Wow you looked beautiful in this form. Well, say goodbye to the world, Y/N!!!" She summoned a big gaster blaster when I looked up, I saw...

Ink, his group, my allies came too.

Error made the blaster disappeared and looked to see them."Well, well, well. What do we have here? We have Y/n's soon-to-be-boyfriend. His group mates and Y/n's allies. This is going to be fun." She smiles like a psycho.

She shoot blue wires and grabbed Bluey's and Dreamy's Souls. Error showed Ink, and his group, Me, Dreamy and Bluey stand up in front and our eyes and Souls turned to black as if we're being controlled.

(Ink's POV)

"Y-y/n?" "HAHAHA! She's not Y/n anymore. I controlled her and her allies." "What do you want from them?!" Dream shout-asked.

"I came here with Y/n's allies so they could have their final fights with YOU."

Y/n and her allies stand in stance form. They Soul glowed and their weapons appeared but black.

Y/n: Black Paintbrush

Dreamy: Black Star Staff

Bluey: Black blasters

We prepared our own weapons and attacked them. Blueberry attacked Bluey, Dream attacked Dreamy, and me...


I'm sorry Y/n. I loved you from the start but I have to save you and your allies.

(Star Sanses' POV)

We looked into their stats and they...were...impossible to explain.

Y/n's checked stats:   HP: 5,000/5,000  DEF: 500

Corrupted Creator of AUs, loved Ink forever but now it's gone.

Save Y/n, she's inside of her Soul and trapped in Insanity.

Dreamy's checked stats:   HP:3,000/3,000 DEF: 300

Corrupted Protector of Dreams, wants to forget her sister, Nighty forever.

Save Dreamy, she's inside of her Soul and trapped in Regret.

Bluey's checked stats:    HP:2,000/2,000  DEF:200

Corrupted Happiness, never smiles but frowns forever.

Save Bluey, she's inside of her Soul and trapped in sadness.

Don't worry! We'll save all of you!

Creators' Love (Ink!Sans X Inktale!Reader) Wattys2017!Where stories live. Discover now