An old friend to visit

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(Your POV)

I was bored, again but Ink is sleeping beside me on the other side of the couch. 'Hmm, why not take a visit from my old friend, bluey?' I decided but another short letter to make for Ink again. I walked towards to my paintbrush and created a portal to Underswap. 

(Ink's POV)

I woke up to see no Y/N in the doodle sphere. I stand up and scratched my skull. "Where is she?" I was worried and I saw a letter.

Hi Ink,

If you're awake, I'm gonna go to Underswap to visit my friend there. I'll be here later.

/Cuz I'm in the middle of a boredom so I visit my friend.\

- Y/N~

Hmm, maybe I should do the same. I'll be visiting blueberry for a moment. I grabbed my paintbrush and created a portal to Underswap.

*Time Skip to your arrival and entered Bluey's house and edible cookies!*

"Thanks Bluey, it's great!" I complimented her cookies. "REALLY!? YOU LIKED IT?!" she said, her eyes were stars. "Yeah! And it's my favorite too!" I said. "WOWIE! THANK YOU Y/N!" she hugged me on the side. "Heh, you're welcome Bluey."

 I finished the cookies and stand up. "Well, I'll be going now, thanks for the cookies Bluey!" "YOU'RE WELCOME!" she said and I walked out of her house. I created a portal to Ink's doodle sphere and entered.

After a few minutes, I arrived. I placed the paintbrush aside and sat on the couch. I was tired and I closed my eyes. I drifted to sleep.  

(Ink's POV)

I went back to the doodle sphere then I saw Y/N asleep. Must be tired. I smiled and created a blanket. I sat down carefully, try not to disturb Y/N. I placed the blanket on both of us then her head tilted to my chest. I blushed and I placed my left arm to Y/N's waist, moved her closer and placed my head onto her's. I drifted into a peaceful sleep. 

Yeah! Another update! Hope you like this one!

Words: 331!

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