His Year - Summer

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"Take that!" I shouted as I slashed at Lucina with my practice sword. She rolled out of the way and countered my attack with one of her own. "Ah!" She managed to knock my balance off and she slashed at me again. Prepared for her strike, I managed to hold it off and I knocked her sword out of her hands. I pointed my sword at her chest. "Match point!"

Lucina laughed and put her hand on her head. "Haha! Like always, Father, you're the victor!" she exclaimed. "How about we have one more round before we head in for dinner?"

I nodded and prepared my blade. "Sounds good!"

We continued to spar with one another for what seemed like hours. In the middle of our match, I'm hit with a sudden wave of nostalgia. Every time I look into Lucina's eyes, I see Anna. It almost feels like I'm sparing with Anna again...

Lucina caught me off guard and she knocked me to my feet. "Match point, Father!" she cheered.

I smiled at her and stood back up. "Well done, Lucina," I said, "you're certainly a force to be reckoned with..."

"...Father...? Is everything alright? I noticed that you were distracted in that last match, is something the matter?" Lucina asked.

I stared off into space for a little while. "...Lucina, you're a lot more like your mother than you may think." I suddenly said.

Lucina tilted her head in curiosity. "I am?" she asked. "I thought I took after you more."

I shook my head and smiled at her. "Well, appearance wise," I chuckled. "But you have certain attributes about you that come from your mother. Like your eyes, nose, and you even have her laugh! But that's not the only thing about you that's like her..." I thought back to Anna, her smiling face appeared in my mind. "You have her fiery personality, that's a no brainer! And you definitely share the same sense of sarcasm and sass! ...But you also take after her battle-wise."

"What? But you were the one who taught me everything I know!"

"Everything? Did I really teach you everything?"

Lucina kicked at the ground. "W-well, no... Mother taught me a few of her battle techniques... But I really only used the moves you taught me!" she said.

"I wouldn't be so sure..." I positioned her into a sideways lunge. "Whenever you're dodging an attack or preparing to roll away, you use your mother's technique. She's a speed demon, I'll tell you that... Her main strength on the battlefield is her speed and agility, and you definitely inherited that from her, not me."

Lucina thought for a moment. "I...I never thought about that..." she murmured. "I guess you're right. Mother was always the fastest one out of all of us!"

I laughed. "Haha! Indeed! She never lost that agility of hers, even after you were born!" I exclaimed. "She trained so hard after little Luci was born to get back in shape... After a few weeks, it was like she was never even pregnant in the first place!"

"I'm sure she was..." she trailed off. "Father? Are you ok?"

I snapped my head to her and shook my head. "I...I'm fine... Let's just head back inside, ok?"


I never realized that I was crying during that entire conversation.


It was quiet. Very quiet. The only things that could be heard were the chirping crickets and the distant nickering of horses. I made sure no one had followed me as I snuck out to the Royal Stables. It's just after nightfall...no one would be up at this hour... I should be okay...

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