Moments in Between

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"Ok... now I just... wait, you're supposed to peel the carrots?" I was looking at a cook book, trying to figure out how to do this recipe. Vaike had challenged me to a "cooking contest" so I'm trying my best not to set the entire mess tent on fire. Just then, my best friend stops by and leaned over the counter.

"What's cookin' good lookin'?" Anna stuck her tongue out.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Really? Is that the best you got?"

She's laughing really hard at this point. "I'm sorry! I couldn't help it! But no, seriously. Why are you cooking? Are you trying to kill us all?" she asked.

I rolled my eyes once more. I've known her long enough to know the games she likes to play, so I played along with this one. "Nope, only trying to kill Vaike. He challenged me to a cooking contest, so I'm delivering! ...I have no idea what I'm doing," I sighed. I added some spices to my dish and stepped back. "I mean... if you squint a little bit it kinda looks like the picture..." I reached up to rub my eyes.

Just then, Anna grabbed my wrists before I can touch my eyes. "Anna?"

"Don't rub your eyes when you have spices on your hands!" she groans.

I looked at my hands: they are covered in various different spices. Ah... "You saved my life once again, Anna. I honestly wonder how I ever survived before I met you."

She released my wrists. "I wonder that, too." She smirked. "Now, you should wash your hands and get all of the spices off before you forget." 

"Hey! Give me a little credit!" I complained, walking over to a pail of water and rinsing off my hands. Once they're clean and dry, I picked up my dish and started towards the exit. "Well, I have to go and win this contest! Wish me luck!"

"I'll go and inform Lissa and Maribelle and have then ready for when Vaike eats your dish!"

I rolled my eyes for the third time.


"Ugghh, it's so not fair!" My sister pouted.

"Whas noow fai?" I said on a mouthful of bear jerky.

Lissa groaned. "First off: I don't understand how you eat that stuff. Second: please don't talk with your face full of food. And third: it's not fair that I don't know Maribelle's favorite type of tea! I mean, come on! I've known her for years! She's my best friend! I'm supposed to know this!"

I swallowed my jerky. "Liss, I don't really think it matters. It's not the end of the world that you don't know Maribelle's favorite tea. I mean c'mon, it's TEA!"

Lissa crossed her arms. "Oh yeah? Well, I bet you don't even know Anna's favorite type of tea," she smirks, looking like she had just won this argument.

"Anna's favorite tea? Oh, that's easy: it's mint tea with milk."

Lissa stared at me like I had just grown horns. "How do you know that?" She asked.

"She always makes it for our strategy meetings and she always drinks it. Haven't you ever noticed how she always smells like mint? It's because she's always out collecting it. Not only that, but she's made it so much she's learned a bunch of different techniques. I've had her tea before and it's fantastic!" I said, hoping that I've answered my sister enough so that I could leave and find Anna to challenge her to a quick sparring match.

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