Disowned By Time

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We approach the old ruins where this "treasure" should be.

"Is this the place?" Anna asks.

I look around, and nod "Yeah, it's got to be. The townsfolk spoke of ruins in these parts that carry the legacy of the divine dragon." I look around some more "Of course, they neglected to mention that the place is crawling with Risen... I suppose we're just gonna have to earn this treasure the old-fashioned way." I say.

Anna nods "I'll ready the troops!" She says.


We begin the fight, taking Risen down, one by one.

"Father, watch out!" Lucina yells as she deflects a Risen's axe.

I charge forward and stab the creature "Thanks Lucina! Now, head back to the main group!" I order.

Lucina nods "Yes, sir!" She says, and runs off.

Just then, I see movement out of the corner of my eye. What the... is that a boy! In the distance, I see a young, blue haired boy, fighting off the Risen by himself. He looks no older than 15! He's going to die if I don't help! Wait... why do his attacks seem so familiar... no matter, I have to help him!

I turn to Anna "Anna! I'm going to assist that boy over there!" I shout.

Anna nods, and shoots a thunderbolt at a Risen "Alright! Stay safe!" She commands. I nod, and run off.

I approach the boy, just as he is about to be attacked by a wyvern rider. I kill the attacker, and face the boy. Why does he look so familiar... He has navy blue hair, and cerulean eyes.

He looks at me "Hmm? Who are you?" He ask, sheathing his blade in a familiar manner.

"I would ask you the same. More importantly, why are you here? This is hardly a safe place to be wandering alone." I say.

The boy shakes his head "I... I don't know, frankly. I woke up... sprawled in a field. I can't recall anything before that." He says.

Not again... "This sounds familiar." I say.

The boy rubs his head "I... I think I remember my name? ...Morgan? Yes, that's it. My name is Morgan." He says.

Morgan... "I'm Chrom. And finding amnesiacs is apparently my special talent. I met someone very dear to me in the same way. Her name is Anna." I say. This truly is odd... well, I can't just leave him here alone...

Just then, Morgan jumps up in surprise "Anna?! Is this friend of yours perchance a tactician?" He asks.

I nod "She is. Do you know her?" I ask.

"Yes, I know her! She's my mother!"

"For a boy... I liked the name Morgan..."

I gasp in shock, and everything finally starts to make sense. The hair... the eyes... his voice... his stance and attacks... this is my son!

"Mother?! Then you're our... You're my..." I reach out, and place my hands on Morgan's shoulders "Morgan, stay calm and listen to me. Anna is my wife. Which means you're my son who came here from the future." I say.

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