Before We Leave

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"HYAAAAYOWCH!!!" I froze and held my shoulder. Dammit, all! Its been 2 weeks since the fight at the Border Pass and my shoulder still hurts! Gods, the exercises Chrom gave me to loosen my shoulder haven't been working!

I sighed at the thought of my best friend. I really hope he's ok... I mean, its been a while since the skirmish, but I know he's still anxious about it

He was really beating himself up after the fight, thinking that it was his fault the war started. Emmeryn assured him that he was only protecting her. It sort of cheered him up? Later that night, I found him sitting by the fire, alone; and I kept him a bit of company. We talked about the war, things outside of the war, and various other things. Its only been a month and a half since I joined the Shepherds, but I've felt a close bond blooming between me and my commander. We must have talked for hours because, by the end of our talk, Chrom was carrying me back to my tent because I was so tired.

The last thing I said to him really struck a chord with him. "I'd do the same for you." And I'd meant it. I'd start a whole war if it meant protecting him, he's done so much for me and it'd really be the least I can do for him. He's my best friend. 

Now, we're back in Ylisstol. We've been in and out of meetings with the nobility of Ylisse and many different generals. They've been demanding plans and strategies to survive the war. It has been an exhausting few weeks.

Chrom and I have been spending whatever free time we can with each other. Whether it'd be training, talking, planning, playing games with each other like chess, even pranking some of the Shepherds. We really were partners in crime, and I'm not just saying that because Frederick always scolds us whenever we prank someone or do something stupid together; but just us being together and fighting. We really are a force to be reckoned with. Even more, since Chrom has been teaching me better sword techniques. 

All my thoughts were cut off as I winced in pain again "Ah!" I dropped my sword.

"Shoulder still bothering you?" Chrom asked.

I looked at him. "Ah, you're back from the meeting! But still hurts," I sighed. "You would think that it would be better by now..."

Chrom gave me a sheepish smile. "Well, I have some good news! We'll be heading up north to clear up some Risen that have been spotted, and hopefully find some new recruits. We won't be cooped up in Ylisstol anymore!" he exclaimed. "And after that, I'm planning on heading down south to do the same."

My eyes widened. "Ah, nice!" I blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry, I'm just not used to staying in one place, it feels a bit weird. Anyway, when do you plan we leave?" 

"In about a day or two. I want to get out as soon as possible," he said. "I actually need your help planning a beginning route. Do you think you can take a break from your training for a bit and help me?"

I nodded. "Of course! It's not like I'm actually LEARNING anything from my solo sessions because MY SHOULDER WON'T CORPORATE!!!" I yell.

Chrom laughed. "Haha, you really need to get that checked out! C'mon, let's go to the strategy room." He playfully punched my shoulder. "Oh, gods!! I'm so sorry! I forgot!"

"It's fi-wait." I rolled my shoulder back and forth. "Holy crap, it feels better! I guess you're right about one thing: punching things does make it better!"

Chrom laughed harder than before. "HAHA! Try telling that to my sisters! Anyways, let's go plan this march. If we have time after, we can have a quick sparring match before dinner. Sound good?" he asked, smiling.

I smiled back at him. "Yep! Let's go!"

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