Two Falchions

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It was the day before the tournament and I was as ready as I'll ever be for it. Alright, I should talk to Anna about who should fight in the tournament tomorrow... Oh gods, Anna.

Things have blown over since the bathing tent incident, but I still felt awkward and nervous around her. She acted so casual. As if it never happened. Something told me she was trying to subdue the memory as much as she could. Gotta give props to my tactician on that one. I could still strategize and talk with her just fine. Hell, we're still as deadly on the battlefield together like we always were, but I still felt awkward!

"Chrom?" A voice disrupted my thoughts. I jumped back from the dummy I was currently training on and readied my sword in case of an intruder. It was just Anna, I sheathed my blade, taking a deep breath of relief.

"Ah, Anna, speak of the devil. I was just about to look for you to talk about who we should bring to the tournament," I said.

Anna nodded. "That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. Flavia let me look at the arena once more, so I have a better idea of who we should bring. By the looks of it, it may not be wise to bring many of our soldiers with mounts. Well, save for Frederick, of course."

"Yeah, we definitely will need Frederick's strength in this. So we are ruling out Sumia, Sully, and Stahl. I, of course, will fight, and I'd also like you to come along as well. Gods know I need you to watch my back while I take on West-Khan's champion. I have no idea how strong they are, so it'll be smart to stay safe."

Anna smiled at me. "Of course! Just tell me where we are going and I'll follow!" she exclaimed. "But back at the task at hand, we still have three more people we need to bring. If you think it's ok, I'd like to bring your sister. She's our only healer, and having one of those on the battlefield would make a great asset."

"Yeah, I think that will work, just as long as she stays towards the back. I don't want her hurt. As for the other two, I think we should take Vaike, he has the right attitude for this," I said. "Now, as for the other person, I don't know... Would Miriel work?"

"Ah! Yes, Miriel, she'll do just fine." She scribbled something on a piece of paper. "Well, that's that. I'm sorry to bother you when training, I'll just be on my way now."

"Wait!" I called after her.

She turned around. "Yes?"

I unsheathed my sword. "Might I suggest a little training before we have to meet back inside? If you're to be fighting a champion by my side, it won't hurt to have a little extra practice," I said with a sly smile.

She returned my smile with a sassy one of her own. "Alrighty then, Hot Shot. Let's see what you got!" She unsheathed her own blade.

"En Garde!"


How does he have my sword?! There's no way he- "Chrom! Look out!" Anna yelled, blocking an attack from a Feroxi ax wielder. She shot them with a Thunder spell, leaving him stunned and unable to fight.


"You told me to watch your back so I'm doing just that!"

I smile at her. "Now, let's go take down Marth! And possibly figure out how he has Falchion!" I yelled, running forward with Anna close in tow. Marth had said that his father taught him to fight... maybe I can get him to answer a few of my questions... Oh well, I guess I'll just have to find out!

Anna and I finally approached Marth. He looked at me, and then to Anna, a strange expression painting his masked face. I turn to my friend beside me. "Are you ready, Anna?" I asked.

She looked back to me, determination in her eyes. "Let's go!"

"As one!"

"Who is your father?" I shouted at Marth as we approached him.

"I've said enough for one day, sir," he replied coldly.

"Hmph. Is that how it is?" I huffed. "Lissa owes you her life, and for that, you have my gratitude. But within these walls, I represent the East-Khan and the interests of Ylisse. I can't promise to stay my blade, but I vow not to shame you."

"Heh, never expected such youthful arrogance... We shall see who shames who!"

He lunged forward, slashing at me; I held back his attack with my sword. "Anna!" I yelled.

"Got it!" she yelled back. She sent a Thunder spell at Marth. He dodged it, but he had to fall back, giving me an opening. But what he does next surprised me. He's going towards Anna!!! Why?!

Marth dashed over to Anna and slashed. Time seemed to move in slow motion. But, in the blink of an eye, Anna blocked his attack with her sword. After a few battles and many sparing sessions, I have come to learn that Anna is probably the fastest person I will ever meet. She moves so fast, despite having that giant coat and mainly uses tomes.

"Yes! Hold on Anna, I'll be right there!" I readied my sword.

Marth seemed to be unprepared. Anna pushed Marth away from her, enough to let me come in and take over. I pushed him back with my sword and Anna shoots him with Thunder, leaving him stunned and us the victors. "Impressive...if not surprising..." I heard Marth mutter.

"I-its over. It's all over." Anna panted.

"And, finally too. Thanks for watching my back. I couldn't have done it without you." I smiled at her.

"No problem...but, Chrom? Did you feel something strange around Marth? Like.. a sort of connection? His movements and attacks were so similar to yours! Not only that but when he attacked me, he had the same speed as me."

I nodded "Yeah... I did. But we can talk about it later... Look! Everyone is cheering our names!"

"CHROM! ANNA! CHROM! ANNA!" Our names filled the arena. They're cheering for us... We really are the dynamic duo!

I grabbed Anna's hand and lifted it in the air. The sudden movement caused her to squeak. I laughed. "We will talk about Marth later; but for right now, let's enjoy this moment! We're champions now, you and me! I told you we make a great team!" I managed to tell her over the cheers and applause.

She paused for a moment before a huge smile spread across her face. "Haha, I guess your right! Gotta live in the moment!" she giggled.

I lifted our hands higher. Poor Anna... She had to stand on her tip-toes because I lifted our hands so high. I laughed and waved to our adoring fans.

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