Smoldering Resistance

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Anna, Frederick and I meet up together on the shores of Valm Harbor "At last, Valm Harbor. Hmm... It appears well fortified... Prepare the troops. We'll- Huh? What's that?" I ask, pointing to a black haired woman who is fleeing from Valmese troops.

"An altercation? That woman- the Valmese dogs are running her down." Fredrick says.

We must help her! "Any enemy of theirs is a friend of ours. Come on!" I order, running off toward the woman. Anna and Fredrick follow.

My troops and I get into our postitions. Pegasus knights and flyers towards the back, a wall of fighters in front of the hearers and magic users, Lucina and Morgan with the left party, and Anna at my side.

The woman continues to run, but she turns her head to us and breaths heavily "Who is that? ...The Ylissean League! So they have finally landed!" She exclaims.

"Over 'ere! We have 'er cornered!" A Valmese soldier says.

"Confound these wretched imperials!" The woman shouts.

"Don't let 'er get away!'

I turn to my soldiers "Our first priority is to hurry and save that woman." I order.


Anna and I finish off the last soldier attacking the woman. "Prince Chrom of the Ylissean League! You have my gratitude!" The woman thanks me.

"You know of our cause?" I ask

The woman nods "Of course! I would speak with you more- but first, perhaps..." She looks around at the battle in front of us.

"...Ah, yes. Time enough for that once the fighting is finished." I say.

Say'ri unsheathes her blades "Aye."


"GRYAAAAA!!!!!" I slash my blade down at the leader of the Valmese fleet. "Finally... it's all over... for now..." I pant.

"Mercy, friends! The tales of your strength were no exaggeration... I am called Say'ri, and I fight with the Resistance." Say'ri says.

"So there is an organized resistance?" I ask.

Say'ri nods "Aye, of sorts. Several groups formed to seek liberty for the states of Valm." She says.

"I thought the emperor had stamped out all dissenters..." I say.

"He tries, but we Resistance are a slippery lot. We strike hard and then vanish again into the dark of night. Even now rebels ride to the banner of dynasts across the continent. United, we could pose a veritable threat to Walhart. And so, for some time I have struggled to bring us together." Say'ri says.

Flavia walks up to us "What's stopping you?" She says.

"Greed. Jealousy. Sloth. All the old weaknesses of man. The dynasts all would have freedom, but on their own terms. Some refuse to take up arms unless their territory is threatened. Others thrive under the Conqueror's heel and will not join unless there is profit in it. Liberty is a fine word, aye, but not always enough to rouse them from foolishness." Say'ri says.

"I take it you're looking for a more convincing argument then?" Flavia asks.

Say'ri sighs "Just so, although my efforts thus far have met with meager success. I fear many distrust me because my brother fights for Walhart." She says.

Basilio joins the conversation "Why does he support the empire?" He asks.

Say'ri sighs louder than the last time "Would that I knew, good sir. Yen'fay was a good man once, but he is my brother no more! If we meet on the battlefield, I would cut him down, same as any other imperial. Walhart is said to command a million men now. Perhaps more. Sooner or later he will stamp out the Resistance entirely if we do not unite." Say'ri announces.

I jump as I hear my sister's high pitched shout "Um, Chrom? Did she just say he has a MILLION soldiers?" Lissa shouts.

Say'ri laughs "Ha! And what are one million men against the Ylissean dogs of war?! You stopped a thousand of their ships, did you not? Your daring strategy has awoken and inspired people across all of Valm. Together I know we can yet unite the Resistance and break Walhart's grip! Help me, Prince Chrom! I beg of you!" She pleas.

Everyone turns to me. Frederick clears his throat "Milord?"

"This is no easy thing you ask of me. I have my own causes: a halidom to save and a future to win." I say. Lucina stares at me. "I know a great battle has been foretold but is this it? How to know? Still, I admire your courage... Perhaps your mission is the best way to achieve mine. So yes, Say'ri. I will join your cause with my own. And if I'm wrong, it's my life on the line. ...As it should be." Anna gives me a look. Please don't look at me that way Anna... You know I won't die... because if I do, you'll kill me! "Now. What ill it take to unite your people?" I ask.

Say'ri ponders the question for a moment "Well, I do have one idea... Since ancient times, many of our people have worshiped Naga. More precisely, we worship the divine dragon's oracle, Lady Tiki. Though most know her only as the Voice The Voice is trapped in her temple as Walhart's prisoner. But if she were freed..." Say'ri says.

"The Resistance could unite around her. Where is the Voice being held?" Anna asks.

"There is a shrine built in the branches of the divine Mila Tree. She is confined there." Say'ri answers.

"Then we have our plan. Let's get to it!" I order.


I finally have this posted! Yes! Thank Naga that this was a fairly short chapter, both here and in the game. I plan on having the next chapter posted today because I have some amusing things planned in it! So yes! If I work non-stop on it, I'll hopefully have it posted, but I am seeing Fantastic Beasts in a few hours so it may be posted late tonight or early tomorrow morning! Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: The Resistance (Nightcore ver.): Skillet

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