The Wind At My Back

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This would never work! What is he thinking!! I asked myself as I walked over to Chrom's tent. I wouldn't have to do this but nooo! He has to avoid me and refuse to even have meetings with me! Well, this is all going to change. Right now. Seriously, it's been a week...

I peered into the tent. Chrom was inside. I smiled. He really is handsome... AHHH! NOPE! ANNA, SNAP OUT OF IT!!! I took a deep breath and quietly entered the tent, closing the flap behind me. "Chrom! We need to talk." At the sound of my voice, Chrom jumped back, turning around to see me.

He gulped. "Anna?!"

"I'm sorry to intrude like this but... It's about the route you drew up for tomorrow's march. I was looking at the map and I noticed... Chrom? Are you listening to me?" I asked, his mind seemed elsewhere.

Blush crept up on his face. "Er, oh. Of course! ...Actually, no. I kind of had something" he stammered.

I tilted my head to the side. What is going on in this man's head? "Chrom, you're acting very strange. Are you hiding something from me?" I asked. He never does and he never can. What's going on?

He gave me a nervous look. "H-hide? You mean, HIDE hide? Oh, gods, no! N-nothing at all... Nope," he said, fidgeting furiously.

"Then why are you fidgeting like you've got a squirrel in your pantaloons?"

He tried to calm down. "I-I'm not fidgeting! I'm perfectly relaxed. ...And, er, normal." He looked away.

I tried to meet his cerulean gaze. "And refusing to meet my eye? Listen, Chrom. Didn't you say that we're close friends, with no secrets between us? Didn't you mean that?"

"N-no! I mean, yes! I mean... I swear, it's not like that!"

I give up. He must hate me. Did I offend him somehow? I sighed. "I know you've been avoiding me recently. And I'd like to know why, Chrom. I think I deserve an explanation. Please. I can't go on pretending there's nothing wrong. Do you dislike my company now?" I asked, pain spreading within my chest and tears began to form in my eyes.

Chrom gasped in horror and his blush disappeared. "D-dislike you?! Egads, Anna, of course I don't dislike you! Nothing could be further from the truth," he said and put a hand on my shoulder.

I looked into his eyes. "Then why are you avoiding me?"

The blush returned to his face. "Er..."

"Chrom?" I put the map in my hands on his table.

"D-don't look at me like that... It's just that... We've been fighting a lot together. We're always side-by-side. At first, I thought of you as an ally, then a comrade, and finally a friend." He grabbed my hands, the softness of his skin on mine gave me chills. "I've felt the bonds of trust grow between us, stronger and stronger. And then I realized... you were more than just a friend."

What does he...does this mean? "What do you mean?"

"I mean I care about you, Anna. As a man, and you as a woman."

Now my face is flushing. This isn't happening. This is a dream. This can't possibly be happening!!! "Chrom, we can't possibly-"

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