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Darkness, pain, confusion, regret. I was filled with all of these.

Was that a Dream? That man... who was he? And why did I kill him?! I faded back to what I thought was reality and escape from the nightmare.

I felt numb, my head hurt and I couldn't even open my eyes.

"Chrom... we have to do something!" I heard the voice of a girl.

"Well, what do you propose we do?" Another voice asked, this time belonging to a man. I began to open my eyes.

"I-I don't know!" The girl exclaimed. I finally managed to open my eyes. The light was blinding and it took me a moment to analyze my surroundings. Everything was a bit fuzzy but I managed to see who the voices belonged to.

The girl's voice belonged to a short young woman with blonde pigtails and pale green eyes and she wore a yellow dress. The other voice belonged to a young, blue-haired man. Wait, is that the man from my dream!? He wore a dark blue shirt with golden buttons and the right sleeve ripped off; on his left, he wore a white cape and a silver paldren along with white straps that went along his chest. Sheathed on his belt was a golden sword with a red hilt. He had navy blue hair and kind-looking blue eyes.

The two looked back at me and gasped. Their faces then went to kind smiles, making me feel more relaxed.

"I see you're awake now," The man said.

"Hey there." The girl smiled.

"There are better places to take a nap than on the ground you know." My attention was turned back to the man as he spoke, the girl gave a slight giggle.

"Give me your hand." The man extended a gloved hand. I slowly moved my hand into his, noting a strange, violet mark on the back of it. But as soon as our hands touched, I felt something ignite in me: a type of burning sensation in my heart that made it beat faster and faster. He pulled me up and we were very, very close. My heart was beating out of control in my chest and the burning was unbearable. What is this feeling? I thought as I stared into the man's blue eyes.

"Are you alright?" The man finally asked, his voice laced with concern.

I stepped back a little and nodded. "Y-yes, thank you, Chrom." That last part caught me by surprise just as much as it did him.

He raised an eyebrow. "Ah, so you know who I am?"

I shook my head in confusion. Why do I know his name?  "No, actually, it's strange... your name it just... came to me." I rubbed my head, trying to think of I knew this man.

He looked at me with great interest and confusion. "Hmm how curious. Tell me, what's your name and what brings you here?" he asked kindly.

"My name is... its... Hmmm?" Wait. What is my name? Where am I? What's going on?! CRAP I CAN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING!!! 

"You don't know your own name?" He asked.

I rubbed and shook my head. "I'm not sure if... I'm sorry, but where am I, exactly?"

The girl jumped back in surprise and gasped. "Hey, I've heard of this! It's called amnesia!"

A new voice spoke up, this time belonging to a dark brown haired man with blue and white armour. "It's called a load of pegasus dung. We're to believe you remember milord's name, but not your own?" he scoffed.

Anxiety started to bubble in me "B-but it's the truth!"

The blue-haired man, err well -  Chrom, looked back at the man and then back to me. "What if it IS true, Frederick? We can't just leave her here, alone and confused. What sort of Shepherds would we be then?"

The knight rolled his eyes. "Just the same, milord, I must emphasize caution. 'Twould not do to let a wolf into our flock." He glared at me

Chrom looked at me again. "Right then - we'll take her back to town and sort this out there," he said.

I stepped back in shock. Hey, I'm not just some helpless... ok maybe I am, but still! "Wait just one moment. Do I have a say in this?"

Chrom smiled at me. "Peace, friend - I promise we'll hear all you have to say back in town. Now come," he said as he began to walk, his companions following him. He gestured to me to do the same.

We began to walk. I followed behind Chrom and his knight kept a few paces behind me, glaring at me. I sighed at that. I don't have any to plans to harm anyone, really. At least, I don't think I do? The girl was walking along happily, sometimes looking back at me with a kind smile. Huh, I don't even know her and yet she makes me happy. That's a nice trait to have, making others happy just by their presence. I thought to myself, smiling back at her. We continued to walk for a while in silence. It was very, very awkward.

I suddenly stopped and the others did as well. "What will you do with me? Am I to be your prisoner?"

Chrom smiled. "Ha! You'll be free to go as soon we establish you're no enemy of Ylisse." He laughed.

"Ylisse? Is that where we are?" 

"You've never heard of the halidom? Ha! Someone pay this actress. She plays quite the fool!" The knight laughed. "The furrowed brow is especially convincing..." 

Chrom looked at the knight. "Fredrick, please. This land is known as the Halidom of Ylisse. Our ruler, Emmeryn, is called the exalt." Chrom said to me. "I suppose proper introductions are in order. My name is Chrom-but then, you already knew that. The delicate one here is my little sister, Lissa."

Lissa stamped her foot. "I am NOT delicate! ...Hmph!" she pouted. "Ignore my brother, please. He can be a bit thick sometimes. But you're lucky the Shepherds found you. Brigands would've been a rude awakening!"

Shepherds? These people look like their armed for battle, and yet they tend sheep? "Shepherds? You tend sheep? ... In full armour?" I asked.

"Heh, it's a dangerous job. Just ask Frederick the Wary here," Chrom chuckled.

Frederick bowed. "A title I shall wear with pride. Gods forbid one of us keeps an appropriate level of caution. I have every wish to trust you, stranger, but my station mandates otherwise." 

I nodded. "I understand sir, I would do no less myself. My name is Anna." Wait... Anna. ANNA! I smiled as the little part of my memory came back. "I just remembered that. How odd. I suppose that's one mystery solved."

Chrom smiled at me. "Anna? Is that foreign? Ah, well. We can discuss it later. We're almost to town. Once we-"

"Chrom, look! The town!" Lissa shouted, pointing to a large town with smoke coming from it.

Chrom gasped in surprise at the sight. "Damn it! The town is ablaze! Those blasted brigands, no doubt... Lissa, Frederick! Quickly!"

Frederick gestured to me. "What about her?"

"Unless she's on fire as well, it can wait!"

Frederick nodded. "Aptly put, milord."

Lissa frantically gestures to the town. "Let's go already!" She shouts.

The three ran off towards the town, leaving me behind. "But what about- Hmm..." They can't just run off without a plan! What are they thinking?! Just then, something stirs inside of me. Almost like an instinctive reaction to danger. I have to help them. I can't watch anyone of them get hurt.

I ran after them.

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