Our Burning Hearts

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I gazed at the fire burning in front of me, letting its warmth fill me up before I had to go on patrol. Stahl should be here soon... I sighed, letting everything sink in. It hadn't been an eventful day. We stayed in our area, trained, went about our lives. This may be the last leisure day we have for a while. I planned on heading back to Ylisstol as soon as day breaks. Good idea, Chrom, volunteering for a night watch when you have to lead a march in the morning.

Well, the day may have been normal to everyone, but today was the most life-changing day of my life. It's so funny how days pass... and you never know when one day might be the one that changes your life. I smiled, warmth spreading through my heart and body.

I'm engaged... Anna and I are engaged! I'm going to be a married man soon! Gods, I'd never thought I'd see the day where I would get excited about getting married, Haha! Then again, I've never wanted to get married... Well, until now. That's all I want. I want to take Anna on real dates... I want to show the whole world she's mine... I want to exchange vows with her... I want to start a family with her! My breathing hitched at the word family. Oh gods...a family, I may be a father soon! Well, maybe in a year or two. It depends on how fast we end this war.

Anna and I had agreed to keep our engagement a secret from everyone. Not only because I don't want people to think Anna will unfair with her strategies because she has a lover, but because I need to keep her safe. If Gangrel were to find out the prince was engaged, gods know what he'd do to find Anna and harm her. Gods... I clenched my fists. The thought of Anna getting hurt sent a bolt of fury through me. If anyone or anything tries to hurt my Anna, so help me-! 

I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. She won't get hurt. Not as long as I keep her by my side...

I gazed into the campfire again, pictures of our future life together seeming to paint themselves into my mind. Our first date, our wedding, our honeymoon, our future children. Children... oh gods. I want to start a family with Anna as soon as possible, she deserves that much. She has no memory of a family, doesn't know if she has parents looking for her, siblings worrying about her... It's my job to make her happy. If it's a family she wants... then I'll give one to her! She'll join mine, and be sisters with Lissa and Emm... and we'll have children of our own! I'll be the best husband to her! I'll protect her, I'll fight for her, I'll love her, I'll spend the rest of my days with her! I smiled again at the thought.


I turned to see Anna, who was wearing her nightdress and gloves to cover her mark and new engagement ring. "Anna? What are you doing up?" I asked.

She walked forward and sat down next to me, scooting closer and resting her head against my shoulder. I drapped my arm across her and kissed her temple. "I couldn't sleep. My heart is still racing. Every time I close my eyes, all I can see and think about is you. I thought maybe a bit of fresh air might help me, but... I like this alternative better." She smiled at me.

I smiled back, getting lost in her blue gaze. "Haha, I guess that's the reason I volunteered for the night watch, I'm restless as well. So much has happened in one little day, it's unbelievable! I don't think I've ever been this happy in my whole life!" I kissed the crown of her head, receiving an adorable giggle from her in return.

"Haha, same. And I know that for a fact, despite my lack of memories. I know that I've never been so happy, or held someone so close to my heart like this! It's a strange feeling, almost like I'm floating!!!"

I rest my head atop hers, basking in her sweet scent. Ink, parchment, and mint... "You should really get to sleep soon, though. I was stupid enough to volunteer for a late watch, so I'll probably be exhausted in the morning. We don't want another leader of the march to be grumpy! And trust me, you without sleep is a bad thing!" I jested as she playfully swatted my chest.

She snuggled closer once again; the feeling of love spreads through me every single time she nuzzles and gets closer to me. I pulled her closer, staring at her lovingly. This is the woman I've decided to spend my life with... I kissed the top of her head, hearing a soft giggle come from her. Her breath was warm and comforting against my neck.

I held her like this for what seems for hours. "Anna, Stahl's going to be here soon. You should return to your - Anna?" I lightly shook her. She fell asleep... I sighed and gently gathered her in my arms, lifting her up. "C'mon, let's get you to bed."

Just then, Stahl appeared. "Captain, I'm done with my shift. If you're ready for your - oh!" He looked at the sleeping Anna in my arms, an amused smile spreading across his face. "Haha! It always seems like you're carrying her to bed, aren't you? Always falling asleep studying."

I smiled at him. "Haha, yep. Found her asleep in the library tent. I'll take my shift in a minute, Stahl, let me just take care of Anna first," I said

He nodded. "Of course, sir, I understand how much you care about her. Oh, and if I may, I'm glad you two have made up from whatever you two were quarreling about. I know it's not my place to pry into your matters, so  I won't ask what happened. But just know that me and the rest of the Shepherds feel a lot better now that you and Anna are hanging out again."

"Thank you, Stahl. Now, if you'll excuse me..." I walked off with Anna.

I entered her tent and laid her down on her cot, removing her gloves for her and kissing her hand. I gently pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead, gently brushing her soft hair. "Sweet dreams, Anna. I love you."

"Love you too..." I heard her murmur in her sleep.

I smile and walk to my post.

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