Married Life Part 2

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I jolt awake at a sudden movement. What the... what was that? I look around for a moment, nothing seems off. I protectively place my hand on my swollen stomach, Not much of a threat am I? What's a five month pregnant woman going to do to an intruder... Just then, I feel the source of the movement.

Kick kick.

I smile widely, "N-no way!" I whisper.

"Chrom! Chrom wake up!" I hastily shake my sleeping husband's head.

He gets up slowly. "Whaaaaa?" He asks groggily.

"Shut up and listen!" I command, grabbing his head and placing it on my growing lump.

He's confused at first... until he experiences the source of my excitement.

Kick kick.

His mood immediately changes, and he gapes in surprise and happiness at my stomach.

I giggle "Looks like someone just leaned how to kick!" I exclaim.

He laughs "Haha!" He sits up on his side, and begins to rub my lump "Hey there little one! What are you doing up at this hour? It's still dark out! Are you too restless to stay in one place? Haha, your daddy's the same way! Don't feel like you need to come out now, you still have a lot of growing to do!" He says in light baby talk, and kisses my stomach.

I laugh, and rub my stomach as well "Haha, yeah, take your time... except I'm probably gonna regret saying that in a few months!" I say.

Chrom laughs "Hahaha! They're growing everyday... four more months... and you'll be here..." He says. He wraps his other arm around me, and pulls me closer.

I giggle, and kiss his cheek. "Soon..." I mutter, before drifting off to sleep again.



"Did the baby kick? Ooooo! Can I feel?!" Nowi asks.

I laugh "Of course you can, go right ahead." I say. Nowi immediately places her hands on my stomach, and gets closer, staring in awe.

"Har har! Nowi, stop with the bothering with the lady tactician!" Gregor jests.

"Oh, I don't mind Gregor, I kinda like it when people ask to feel my stomach." I say.

"If that is case... do you mind if..." Gregor looks at my stomach.

I laugh "Go ahead." I say.

He joins Nowi and places his hand on my stomach "Har har! Hello little Chrom or Anna! She say that you like with the kicking. You not hurting mommy, are you?" He asks in baby talk.

I laugh "No, not really, it just kinda tickles. Are you two planing on having kids soon?" I ask.

Both of the remove their hands from my stomach "Not anytime soon. But we'd like to have some someday!" Nowi answers.

"Cool. I guess that means you get to have a playmate, little one!" I say to my stomach.

"Har har! You speak to baby like already here! You already such mother!" Greger says.

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