On The Road Again

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Chrom truly kept to his word when he said he'd protect me...

We had been out of Ylisstol for not even four hours and he was as fierce as a grizzly bear at anything that would have posed as a threat towards me. 

Whether it'd be a slight rustle in the bushes, someone approaching us without warning, or even stepping on a twig immediately got him riled up. And when he ordered me to never stray from his side, he truly meant it. If I even stepped away from him for a moment, he becomes fussy.

"Chrom! It was just a bird!" I groaned, pulling myself away from him.

He sheathed his sword and frowned. "Well, I'm better safe than sorry!"

"Chrom, please stop being so overprotective of me!" I seethed. "Seriously, this is starting to worry me... I know you have always worried about me since the beginning, but this is too much! And frankly, it's starting to scare me... Please, you're too obsessed. It hurts me to see you not like your normal self. I don't need to be protected like this. So please, calm down a bit. For me?

He sighed. "Y-you're right... I'm sorry. It's just that my senses have been clouded by worry and fear that someone I love was almost killed. Thank the gods Marth was there to tell us. I just want to make sure that something like that never happens to you or Lissa."

"Chrom... I understand." I hugged him. "I know that you're scared right now and you can't show it. Please, let me be your strength. I can't do that if you worry about me all the time. I want to help you, please?"

He hugged me back. "I know, I know... I'm scared, very scared of a threat that may not even be there. I shouldn't treat you like this... I want you to be my strength as well, you're the only person right now that knows what I'm going through." He nuzzled the top of my head. "But, I'm still going to protect you, I want you to remain by my side. Not only because I need to protect you, but because I need you to keep me in reality."

I laughed and kissed his cheek. "Yes, sir!"

We truly kept to our word. I still remained by Chrom's side, but he was not as overprotective as before. Whenever he got worried about me or his sisters, I pulled him into reality. Whenever I tripped or stumbled, he helped me up. We always stayed together, even when we decided to set up camp for the night.

Emmeryn had her own carriage for her to sleep in so she didn't need a tent. We didn't set up the normal recreational tents like the strategy tent and the mess tent. We just set up our sleeping tents because we wanted to leave as soon as day broke.

That night, Chrom made sure that I was safe. While we slept, his arm was wrapped around my waist, holding me close. Falchion was at the foot of the bed, ready in case of an intruder.

He did this every night. Before falling asleep, he would always whisper: "I'll not let anything harm you," in my ear.

One night, however, changed the peace we had in our tent...


"The enemy is right over there, Anna!" I shouted to my fiancé.

She nodded. "Let's go!"

We ran forward and attacked our foe, easily killing them with our combined strength.

"Good job! Just a few more to go!" I yelled.

We took out a few more enemies, one by one. Killing our last foe, ending the battle.

"We did it! Let's regroup with the others so we can celebrate!" I cheered. No response. "Anna?" I turned back to face her, only to see that she was covered in blood and wounds.

"ANNA!!!" My heart stopped. She collapsed before I got to her, and the light slowly began to leave her eyes. I dropped to my knees and held her weak body in my arms. "A-Anna...please...don't go. I need you! Please...stay alive. P-please, d-don't g-go." I sobbed.

She weakly smiled at me, reaching up to touch my face "I l-love y-you..." she trailed off.


She smiled once more, closing her beautiful blue eyes. "ANNA!!! NO! OPEN YOUR EYES! PLEASE, OPEN YOUR EYES!!! YOU CAN'T DIE!!!"

She took her last breath, falling limp.


I woke up in a cold sweat, crying. My heart felt broken and shattered. I looked around frantically until I saw Anna. I sobbed harder, and grabbing her and hugging her; my tears fell into her hair.

Shocked at her forced awakening, she attempted to pull away. Then, she felt my trembling and tears.. "Chrom! Are you ok?!" 

Her voice was music to my ears. "You're alive...you're breathing and alive," I breathed, moving my head to her chest to hear her heartbeat.


I nodded, burying my face in her neck. Her breath was warm against my scalp; gently combing her hand through my hair.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" she whispered.

"You died. We were in a battle and you died in my arms. It felt so real!" I sobbed. "Thank the gods it wasn't. I don't know if I could... If I'd be able to go on if you..." I could barely even speak.

She kissed my hair. "It's ok. It was only a dream. I'm right here."

My adrenaline gave out and I collapsed into the bed, taking Anna with me.

I held her closer, tucking her head into the crook of my neck. "I will not let my dream become a reality. I will protect you. I love you."

 "I love you, too." 

I kissed her forehead and drifted back into sleep.

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