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"Finally...We're home!" I exclaim as we enter the large, yet oh so familiar castle in Ylisstol.

"It's been so long since I was last here in a peaceful manner..." Lucina murmurs.

I look to my daughter as she gazes at the intact castle. Oh, right...the last time she was here was Anna and I's wedding! Well, to my knowledge, at least. "I'll make arrangements for you and Morgan to stay in the wing for royalty," I offer. "You two are a part of our family, after all."

Lucina shakes her head. "No, that's alright. We're fine with anything," she said. "We don't want to be a burden for you."

Burden... That word carries a lot of meaning for me. Something that I will never allow my children to say. I won't make his mistakes. "Lucina, how many times must I tell you, you are no burden. It's perfectly fine for you two to stay in the royal wing. You're a part of our family."

Lucina smiles at me. "T-thank you, father," she said.

Morgan pushes his way to the front of the group and stands by his sister. "Sorry, I'm late! Kjelle was making sure I was in top form! SO! What I miss?" he asks.

Lucina laughs and fills him in on the plan.

"Oh, cool! I don't really remember my life in the castle, so it'll be cool to re-experience it!" he exclaims happily. "Uhh, where's mother?"

I look around for Anna as my children do the same. "Hmm, I don't know. As soon as we entered the castle she just disappeared." I answer.

"Well, hopefully, she's ok," Lucina said.

"Hey, dad. What's the plan now? The Valm crisis is over, and we seem to have a bit a peace, what do we do now?" Morgan asks.

I sigh deeply and rub my face. "I wish it was that way, bud. But unfortunately, the true crisis is at our feet. We still need to find the last Gemstone and stop Grima. Not to mention I need to figure out how to do this 'Awakening' thing," I reply.

Lucina looks to the ground and nods. "Indeed...Grima will haunt us as long as he's a threat..." she mutters.

Morgan's relaxed, carefree smile fades as he goes to hug and comfort his sister. "It's ok, Luci...Dad will figure out what to do and he'll keep us safe!" he said with hope in his voice. I smile at my son's confidence in me. You bet your arse that I'm going to do whatever to keep my family safe!

Lucina giggles and playfully punches her brother's head. "Ok, I believe you! Now can you let me go? We're in public! Now is not a good time to display affection!" she complains.

I smirk and think back to the many times I've displayed my love for Anna in public, much to her annoyance. "Well, I know who you get it from," I murmur.

Morgan and Lucina turn to me. "What was that, dad?" Morgan asks.

I chuckle and wave my hand. "Oh, nothing."

Just then, Anna appears in a doorway, holding something in her arms but hiding it behind the wall. "Oh, Chrom," she calls. "You have someone who wants to see you!"

She steps out of the doorway to reveal our 9-month-old daughter in her arms. My heart jumps. Tiny Lucina smiles as soon as she see's me and babbles something in baby talk, reaching out to me. I smile widely and run over to them.

Anna hands her over to me and I hug her tightly but gently so I don't hurt her. I finally let out all of the separation anxiety I've been feeling for the past six months and cry as I hold my daughter. She repeatedly babbles "Dada" and "Mama" as Anna joins us in our hug. I wrap one arm around Anna and use the other to hold my baby, keeping her in the middle of my wife and me.

"I'm home...we're home..."

Anna and I continue to coddle our daughter until our son walks up to us. "Is it ok if I hold my big sister?" he asks.

Anna and I share a look and laugh. "Of course, bud. Here, I'll show you how to hold her..." I give baby Lucina to Morgan and show him how to properly hold her.

Once she's settled in his arms, she finds interest in this new person. She stares up at him in awe and then starts to laugh. A sound that is music to my ears. Morgan laughs too and starts to tickle and play with her. "Hi there, little big sis! Hey, I'm just letting you know, in a few years, this REALLY cool kid is going to come into your life, and you better do everything in your power to take care of him because Naga knows he needs it!" he said. Anna locks her hand in mine and leans onto me. I shift my gaze to her and lean on her as well.

I look over to the older Lucina, who is currently standing back from our little group. ...Oh. It must be hard for her to watch her family fuss over another Lucina... "Hey, Lucina. Would you like to hold yourself?" I ask.

Lucina looks up and me and fidgets with her hands. "I...I don't want to intervene with your moment..." she murmurs.

I smile and gesture for her to come closer. "Come here."

Lucina reluctantly walks over to us and stares at the smaller version of her, who is currently playing with her older-little brother's face. I share a look with Morgan and he nods, understanding the situation.

He walks over to his older sister and hands his older sister to her. "C'mon, Luci! How many people get to say that they've gotten to hold themselves!" he exclaimed.

Lucina holds little Lucina. She looks at her very awkwardly. Little Lucina stares at her older self then smiles. She pokes her on the nose, making the older Lucina gasp in surprise. She then gives up and smiles. "H-hey" she stutters.

We all burst out laughing at the Lucinas.


Double Lucina all the way... Haha! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed the family fluff! Also, I noticed this just hit 2K reads!!!! It wasn't that far long ago that I hit the 1K mark, and I definitely wasn't expecting this anytime soon! So, thank you. Thank you so much! It means the world to me! Anyways, I plan to write My Story a bit more in the upcoming weeks, so look out for that! Also, if you haven't already, I just finished my February OTP Challenge, so go and check that out! It has a lot of feels, fluff, angst, and Chrobin!!! Once again, thank you so much for reading, and I hope you look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Undefeated: Skillet

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