Chapter 14

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"I- uh um." Everyone was waiting for me to say something but I was just so nervous.

"I.. wanted to say that I'm so happy that all of you are here today with me for this party!" I smiled while nodding. They all looked at me and smiled

   "God you're so adorable, that's all you wanted to say?" Jungkook chuckles. He called me adorable...

   "Yep!" I laugh awkwardly as my step dad laughs in the background.

   "Oh honey you're so adorable." My mom wrapped her arm around me. Later on the party started. Everyone was getting ready to go into the pool. I take off my shirt and shorts leaving me in my bathing suit. My mom on the other hand helped my dad get the food ready. I was sitting on the watermelon shaped pool float watching everyone have a water gun fight in the pool. I didn't wanna get involved because I was too busy thinking about a way to tell everyone.

  "Aria!! " Namjoon called out. I look towards his direction and he gestured me to come to him. "I'll protect my little sister!" He swam towards me. "Please?" I look at him for a little before getting off the floaty.

   "Fine protect me from them." I pointed to the rest. He laughed

   "Don't worry we have Jimin, Jin and Hoseok on our team." He held the water gun in his hand. I wondered if I should tell Namjoon first since he was my real brother.. but what if his reaction is different than I expected?

"So..  What is it really that you were going to tell all of us?" He said quietly.

   "W-What do you mean?" I looked at him as he just smiled.

   "You always smile and nod when you're lying. You don't think I notice these things about my little sister?" He chuckles at me.

   "I- um.." I felt stupid now.

   "You can tell me. I'm your big brother I'll support you." I looked into his eyes. I trusted him..

   "Fine but you can't say anything." I point my finger at him as he smiled widely.

   "I got a scholarship to Harvard and they want me to go.. but it's so far from home I'm gonna miss Ju- you guys so much.." I look away embarrassed because I almost said Jungkook's name again..

   "That great news! Why are you so scared to tell us. You know mom would be so proud of you. You always wanted to go to Harvard. What's holding you back?" He asked.

   "Namjoon I gotta tell you something but please don't tell anyone not even Jungkook or mom.." He nods at me with a serious facial expression on.

"What's holding me back is.. I think I may of fallen in love with Ju-" *squirt*  Cold water hits me and Namjoon's body. I shriek before hiding behind him.

  "Haha! I got you!" Jungkook yells as he kept aiming the gun at us.

   "Jungkook stop!" I squeal but he didn't listen. I got pissed so I took Namjoon's gun and went after Jungkook. "You're going down." I point the gun at him as he was cornered. He tried pulling the trigger but there was no more water left inside. He couldn't fill it with the pool water cause it had chlorine in it.

   "Don't you do it Aria.." He put his in front of him. I walk closer to him.


  "Just don't please." He smiled. I looked at him as I lower the gun down.

"Thank y-"  I spray him with water. I kept pulling the trigger as water comes shooting out at him. 

"AH! I thought you don't do it Aria!" He yelled before swimming up to me pushing us into the water. I let go of the gun as it floats back at the top. Our faces were near each others as I wrapped my legs around Jungkook's waist.. Wait. This mean nothing.. right? We arrived back up and Jungkook was smiling widely at me with his hair dripping.

   "Jungkook! Aria! You guys okay?" Taehyung swims up to us. I quickly jump off Jungkook so Taehyung didn't think of anything.

   "We're fine." I smiled as I swam to Taehyung wrapping my arms around him. Jungkook's expression changed very quickly.

   "Yeah we're fine." He looked at us before swimming away.

   "What was that about?" Taehyung asked me and I shrugged.. Was he jealous?

Later on it was night time so we decided to have a campfire. Namjoon bought some beer for us but I was still under aged.. I was only 18 and Jungkook was 19. He could drink. (I'm using the drinking age according to Canada because I live in Canada haha but I know it's 21 in the states)

   "Namjoon I'm underage." I looked at him as he handed me a bottle.

   "It's fine. Your gonna turn 19 soon anyways." I took the bottle from his hand.. Somi left because she didn't want to stay overnight which I was fine with.

   "Alright alright. I wanna play drunk truth or dare." Jimin laughs. He already started drinking.

  "Oh boy..." I take a deep breath before trying the beer.

~ 10 minutes later ~


You may be asking where my parents were well they actually get to a hotel since all the boys were sleeping over so they knew they weren't gonna get any sleep here with us. I only had two bottle of beer as everyone else had already gotten drunk and me who was a little drunk. Jimin fought with Jin before he jumped and pulling Jin with him. Everyone was laughing.

   "Alright it's my turn." Jimin laughs before running up to us in a towel. Jin came in after dripping wet.

  "Jungkook!" He pointed. "Truth or Dare.."

  "Dare!" He points back at Jimin.

  "I dare you to uh.. kiss someone!" He laid his head on Yoongi's shoulder as Yoongi look at him before shrugging.

  "There's only one girl here." Jungkook looked at me. My eyes widen.

"Taehyung can I?" He looked at Taehyung but Taehyung was already knocked out. He shrugged before pulling my face close to his. It wasn't just a regular kiss.. It was a passionate one.
A/N: I forgot to say Thank you for 1k in the last chapter! So thank you so much! I hope you enjoy more chapters that are to come! ❤️ I'm still stuck in school for three more days and I'm so annoyed by it. Everyone's already out :(

Step Brother | jjk ✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα