Part Eighteen

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3rd person

Justin walked into the studio where Scooter was waiting for him.

"Justin are you okay?" Scooter asked worridly as he studied the state of Justin. His eyes looked dark, he looked like he hadn't slept for days, his hoodie covered as much as he face as it possibly could.

"Scooter I'm fine," He lied with a calm tone. He wasn't okay, he was heartbroken. Chels was different, he'd never had anyone like her.

"Justin did you split up with Chelsea?" Scooter asked quietly as the pain hit Justin's heart just hearing her name broke him.

"Yes but..." he started trying to think of an excuse. "She was just a fling," He said trying to convince himself more than what he was for Scooter.

"I'm sorry bro," Scooter said trying to support and comfort Justin. He could see the hurt and pain and brokeness in his eyes. He knew Chels was the only thing keeping him sane. Chels was the only thing holding him out of depression and sadness and now she left him Scooter feared for the worst.

"You don't have to apoligise, Che..She was just a fling. Let's do the song," Justin said quickly changing the subject as Scooter nodded. Maybe changing the subject would be the best option maybe and hopefully Justin was strong enough to fight depression on his own without Chels. She brought him happiness, love and the feeling of belonging and made him feel like he was worth more than just a thing.



"I'm proud of you," Nathan whispered in her ear as she closed her eyes trying to prevent they tears from streaming down her face. She was scared, alone, frightened. She didn't want to be hurt, she didn't want to be with Nathan, she wanted to be with Justin.

"We can be together forever now," He said wrapping his arms around her waist but to her it was nothing like the way Justin touched her. She felt sick to the bone, she opened her eyes as the met the eyes of the monster stood in front of her she needed help she hated this.

"I'll be back soon my love," He said kissing her lips as she didn't respond to the kiss. She felt empty, worthless. He walked out making sure to lock the door behind him so Chelsea couldn't escape.

She collapsed on the floor as the tears streamed down her face, she needed someone, she needed him, she needed Justin. All she wanted to do was hear his voice right now.

Grabbing her phone, she dialed in his number which Nathan made sure he deleted his contact from her phone.

Justin was suprised to see her name flash up on his phone screen. It had been two weeks since she dumped him.

"Hello," Justin spoke through the phone trying to sound fine, Scooter watched him and could tell it was Chels on the phone.

"Justin," Chels said through tears helplessly making Justin fear for the worse. He didn't care how bad she hurt him, he had to know she was okay, the worry span through his head.

"Chels, what's wrong? Are you okay? Where are you?" Justin said quickly not taking the time to think.

"I'm sorry Justin okay. I didn't want to but I had to I had no choice. Just remeber whatever happens to me I will love you forever," She said through sobs down the phone which made Justins heart shatter. He didn't understand. Why was she crying so intensely.

"Chels, let me come and make sure you are okay," Justin said thinking about the fact Chels hadn't actually been seen since them broke up.

"I can't, I'm not allowed," She sobbed as Nathan came home, slamming the front door closed making Chels jump. "Justin I need to go!" She said quickly ending the call. Justin didn't know what to do, he stared at his phone. Who made the massive bang? Why was she crying? Why did she sound scared? Panic raced through his body.

"Scooter we need to find Chels," Justin said trying not to panic but he couldn't stop.

"Justin you need to calm down," Scooter said but time was running out. Nathan grabbed Chels as he smirked at her hitting her against the wall as she fell to the floor, she had no energy she had no willpower anymore that was all gone.

"We need to find her!" Justin screamed making Scooter jump but Justin didn't care. He had to find her.

"Check your phone see if she still has location on," Scooter said trying to help as Justin went on his phone and found out where she was. He ran to his car as Scooter followed as they zoomed off.

"Nathan stop," Chels cried as his tempers raised.

"You can't tell me what to do," He said holding her against the wall as he pressed his arm to her neck choking her. He dropped her as he heard banging on the front door. He swore under his breath before going to open it.

"Hello," He said opening it slightly as he saw Scooter and Justin stood there

"Where is she?" Justin asked in a panic as Scooter placed a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down. Chels heard his voice, it brought so much joy to her until she realised what had been happening.

"Who?" Nathan asked putting a confused face on but Scooter and Justin could tell it was fake from a mile off.

Justin lunged for him, he couldn't stand it anymore. If he was hurting his Chels then he wanted to kill him.

"Justin!" Scooter said pulling him away as Chels hid in the corner of the room. Nathan was going to be so angry with her.

"She's mine! Chels is mine!" Nathan shouted as Scooter grabbed him pushing him to the floor as Justin ran in the house looking for her.

He ran into the bedroom, seeing her hiding in the corner with her head in her arms the sight broke his heart. The room was dark so he could not yet see the damage on her this monster had done.

"Chels," He said softly not wanting her to be scared before of what Nathan had done.

Her head shot up looking at the man she loved. She was scared. She didn't know what to do.

"He's going to hurt you if you don't go," She cried not wanting Justin to be hurt.

"He won't but he'll hurt you if you don't come with me," Justin said kneeling down to her level as he got closer to her.

"No, no, no," She shook her head confusing Justin as to why she wanted to say, "He said I had to dump you and if I go with you now he said he'd hurt you and my family," She wept as Justin felt a shot of joy. Chels didn't dump him because she didn't love him, Nathan was her ex the one she spoke to him about. Now he understood.

"Chels, we can go to the police we can get this sorted. I promise I won't let you get hurt anymore you just need to trust me," He said holding out his hand as she contemplated her choices before taking it.

He held her hand as they walked from the room, she whimpered as her body ached from the pain. Justin couldn't help but feel responsilbe he show have known. He held her close as he took her to the car, Scooter had already called the police but Chelsea was in no state to speak to them herself. They took Nathan away as Justin drove Scooter home before taking Chelsea back to his own house.

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