Part Eleven

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I walked into the club with Chloe as the flashes from paparazzi drowned my sight. Numerous amounts of questions came firing at me but I held my head down and walked in.

"Let's go get drinks," I said pulling her hand and taking her to the bar as I order us both drinks.

We drank the drinks before making our way to the dance floor, dancing to the music.

"So tell me about you and Justin, what's happened after your fling?" She wuestions.

"Nothing we're just friends," I reply as she raises her eyebrow.

"I dont know if I believe you," she says as a guy walks up to her.

"Hey cutie you're so pretty," A guy comes up to Chloe says as she blushes and covers her face.

I quickly sneak off to leave them to hitting it off. I order another drink as I neck it.

"Funny how we always meet when we are in here," Justin voice rings through my ears as I turn around to meet his eyes before his eyes trail down my body looking at my red skin tight dress with black heeled boots.

"You look beautiful baby," he smiles before placing a kiss on my cheek as I inhale his alcoholic breath.

"Thank you," I smile before looking at the floor. He necks the drink in his hand wobbling a bit before regaining his balance.

"Where would I be without you?" Justin drunkenly said as I giggled.

"Probably on the top of a mountain," I say making him laugh before I order another drink, drinking it quickly.

"Come dance with me baby girl," He said taking my hand as he led me to the dance floor.
We danced along to the music as he held my hands. The smile on his face could light a million fires. He was so gorgeous. I can't fall for him. He's just like the others all guys are the same.

I pulled my hand away as I walked back over to the bar, ordering another drink.

"Why do you always do that?" Justin said standing next to me.

"I just...I just," I start but stop with a sigh.

"Baby..." He starts but I cut him off.

"All guys are the same," I say taking a sip of my drink.

"No there not, what's happened with other guys?" Justin asked but I didn't want to explain, I couldn't. I grabbed my phone and legged it out the front door. Camera's being shoved in my face as I tried to escape.

I felt the warm sensation of a hand on my wrist as I got pulled away and into the back of a car.

"Chelsea, speak to me," Justin said looking at me worriedly as the tears appeared in my eyes, "Baby, guys aren't all the same you know," He said reaching down and taking my hand.

"He..he hit me all the time and he cheated on me," I say looking down ashamed as the tears streamed down his cheek.

"What?" Justin said in shock as I shook my head motioning that I wasn't going to repeat myself.

"I'm so sorry Chels," He said pulling me close to him as he held me making me feel safe which was unusual because I never usually felt safe when a guy held me but now I think about it I've always felt safe with Justin. Like he was different.

"Not all guys are the same, I promise," Justin said tilting my face up with his finger so I could look at him. He lifted up his hands as he wiped away the tears that had been falling down my cheeks.

I lent into his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"You're so beautiful and amazing and I'm telling you now, if I met this guy I would make him pay for what he did," He said placing a kiss on my forehead. I smiled slightly into his chest.

"I'd drive you home but I'm a bit drunk," He said before ordering an uber off his phone.

Soon enough the Uber arrives and we go and climb into it as we drive to my address.

"I had fun seeing you tonight," Justin smiled as I got out.

"Stay for a bit," I said with a pout as he chucked before getting out and thanking the driver.

I walked up to the house as he followed me in. I felt so drunk, my balance was so dodgy.

Justin resting his hands on my hips as he helped to make me stable as I giggle.

I went to walk up the stairs but it was too difficult so I ended up crawling up causing Justin to laugh behind me.

"Don't laugh at me," I said through giggles as I reached my room and flopped on the bed with my face to the celling.

I pulled the boots off my legs before throwing them on the floor as Justin lay next to me on the bed. He ran his hands through my hair as I looked into his eye getting lost in them which was completely normal for me now.

"I need to find pyjamas," I giggled getting up off the bed before tripping over and landing on the floor with a loud thump.

"Are you okay Chels?" Justin shot up looking at me as I started to laugh.

"Oh my gosh," I said through laughter as I got up and stumbled over to my drawers before pulling out a pyjama top and some shorts.

Not even caring I grabbed the bottom off my dress pulling it off my body as Justin  cleared his throat. I pull over the top and slip on the shorts before walking over to Justin as his mouth was wide open.

"Enjoyed that view?" I winked before climbing on top of him and sitting on his area.

"Chels," He said taking deep breaths as he ran his hands up my bare legs.

Leaning down, I connected my lips to his as he immediately kissed back.

"Baby, you'll regret this tomorrow I don't want you to make a mistake," He said pulling away from the kiss as I pouted.

"No, I wouldn't," I said getting off him and lying on the bed with my back to him.

"Baby," He said putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him as he placed wet kisses on my neck. I could feel his bulge touching my bum.

"I just don't want this to be a mistake because you know I love you," He said kissing my neck more which just made me want him more.

"I love you too," I whispered back to him.

"You do?" He said sitting up, looking at me as I nodded my head.

" You'll tell me tomorrow when you're sober?" He questioned as I nodded my head.

"Good," He smiled before cuddling into me, "I'm extremely horny but I'm going to wait till you're sober," He said making me giggle as I cuddled into him.

"Goodnight Chels," He said placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Goodnight Jay," I reply with a smile.

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