"They're a grade higher than us." Miku answered.

"Yea, and I'm sad about it." Rin pouted.

"Well now we're not gonna see her as much since she got elected president." Seeu said with a sad tone.

"She's president?" I asked.

"Yea she got elected last week." Miku answered me.

Than suddenly the bell rang.

"Come on (Y/N) I'll show you our class." Miku grabbed my hand, Oliver and Seeu followed.

At the class~

I was one big classroom. The room was filled with 27 desks and the teachers desk was huge but was filled with papers. Miku ushered us to our seats and gestured me take the sit next to me.

I had a slight feeling that this was somebody's seat. I turned around watching each student take their seats. But one particular student stood out.

I never knew that a person so flawless existed. Her long black her almost reaching her knee. Her beautiful sky blue eyes were almost covered by her bangs.

She had on a white blouse that was see through on her shoulders with a maroon skirt that went up to her knees, with a black belt like thing wrapped around her waist. She also had on white high heels to match with her outfit. Below her head she had on a gold necklace with a shiny gold heart.

Than another girl came up with big golden hair with golden eyes came in. Her hair was big and curly and sort of had a fringe on her right side of her face.

She had on a light brown dress that a had a light pink bow on the right side of her shoulder. Her dress was up to her knee and had brown dress shoes.

Than another girl came up. How many girls are in here that look like models? Anyway she had her hair like Miku but her hair was orange and was tied up by a red ribbon. Her eyes matched her hair color. She had on a regular school girl outfit but instead of black leggings she had a pink and white polka dot leggings.

She had on a fierce look and gave everyone a mean look. She lifted her face up and took her place next to the other girls.

"(Y/N) who are you looking at?" Miku asked finally snapping me out of my world.

"Uh I was uh looking at those three over there."

Miku looked at the three girls and huffed, turning around towards me with her arms crossed.

"Just ignore them alright?" her voice was so stern, I never seen her like this.

"Ehh why?"

"Because I said so." she rolled her eyes.

I stared at Miku confused who looked the other way annoyed. It seems that she was angry or annoyed or even both!

"Don't worry (Y/N).......its just that....Miku doesn't like those girls." Seeu put her hand on my shoulder giving me a warm smile.

"I don't 'like' them I HATE them!" Miku almost shouted but kept quiet.

"Did those girls do something to you?" I asked.

"No its just that they think there all this and that, thinking that they can do whatever they want." I tilted my head resembling a puppy that tilts its head when there confused.

"Are they like bullies?"

"Ten times worst than that."

"Uh o-ok."

"I suggest that you stay away from them (Y/N)-chan. I don't want you to see you get physically and mentally hurt." Seeu hugged me from behind.

"Im sorry to ask but who are they?"

"Well each one of them is a different bitch." my eyes widened as I heard Miku cuss for the first time.

"So you see the girl with orange hair, that's Osana. She's the meanest person ever." Seeu nodded and mouthed "scary."

"And the one with golden hair is Rika. Hmm how would you describe her?" Seeu let go of me and put her finger on her lips, thinking. "I don't know how to put it in words. That's a tough one but you'll see what I mean later."

"I know a word, whore." we both looked at Miku with surprised eyes. I've never seen Miku this mad before. I then drawled my eyes towards the black hair one that would occasionally flip her hair.

Miku saw where I was looking and eyed. She sighed as she finally said. "And that one over there is the 'queen'. She is the most bitchiest person I ever meet! I don't even wanna talk about her!" she yelled frustrated.

I rested my hand on Miku's shoulder to calm she before she kills someone. Then a woman in a brown suit dress came in.

"Morning Sensei!" everyone bowed.

"Morning class, today we have a quiz and also I got some special news!" she squealed and faced towards me. "We have a new student!"

Everyone turned and faced me, their eyes examining me which made me feel uncomfortable. A chill went down my spine as they stared for a while 30 seconds at me without making a sound.

"So (Y/N) will you please introduce yourself?"

I stood up slowly, my face turning red. "M-my name is
(Y/N) a-and im a t-transfer student." I stuttered not knowing what to say.

"Oh you are, that's interesting. Well I hope you love our school." she smiled.

I looked around, new faces watching me but the three girls seemed to watch me very closely.

I sat down and put my head down as that was completely embarssing. Than I felt a warm hand on my back. First off it tickled me a little and I arched my back looking at who's hand that was, it was Seeu. I smiled at her than another hand went on my shoulder. I looked to my other side and it was Miku.

And than another had went on my head, but it was different. It barely touched my head but I could still feel its light touch. I looked up and saw the one eyed boy upside down.

I smiled and he went back to his seat, I felt a weird shiver that someone was watching me. I quickly shook off the feeling as I worked on the worksheet that was barely placed in front of us.

1st and 2nd hour went by fast probably because we were mostly fooling around.

"Hey Oliver?" Miku said cheerfully.

"Hmm?" he hummed.

"You finally have a partner."

"Ehhhh?!" we both said taking it completely wrong.

"I didn't mean that kind of partner, what I meant was study partner." she giggled. "Though I think you would look cute together." she winked at us.

Heat filled my face along with Oliver. Miku and Seeu laughed, continuing too walk.

"Im gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I ran towards the bathroom as I had to get out of there before I blow up into a blushing mess.

I splashed some water on my face trying to get my face back to normal. But it was still red, thoughts came up of me and Oliver hugging, holding hands, playing, and ki....ki....kis-. Nevermind I should just end it right here before I really blow up.

As I was drowning myself in the sink water a group of girls giggling came in. I wiped my face off to see who it was and my heart stopped as it was those three girls from class. They saw me and stopped giggling, a serious expression was on them as they eyed me and walked to a sink.

This just got real.

Thumbs up to you guys if you know where I got those girls from. I only own the black haired girl but Rika and Osana I don't.

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