Chapter Forty-One: 90 Years Old

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Levy gently rocked her baby boy back and forth as she looked out on her family members. "Okay everyone," She said, "Quiet down!"

Everyone, and that was everyone; Herondales, Lightwoods, Banes, Lewis, were all there. They all stopped talking and turned their attention to Levy and Sam.

"So, Levy and I thought really hard about what to name baby boy," Sam said.

"Our family is such a unique blend and there are so many names we could have picked," Levy said.

"But we finally decided..." Sam said with a smile at Levy.

"I would like to present to you guys Jace Daniel Rosewright," Levy beamed.

"My name?" Jace asked.

Levy nodded, "Of course great grandpa, and of course grandpa, Daniel is you too."

"Thank you Levy," Danny said giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Now let me hold that beautiful boy," Clary said.

Levy nodded and passed Jace to Clary. "Oh hello," Clary said, "I'm your great, great grandma."

"And I'm the man you are named after," Jace said over Clary's shoulder.

Baby Jace's eyes scanned his great, great grandparents faces. Clary offered a finger to him and he grabbed on.

Jace stepped over to Levy, "He's beautiful Levy."

"Thank you," Levy said.

Jace smiled, "You know my Herondale ring?"

"Of course," Levy said.

"When it is my time to go, I want it to go to your son, tell him the stories of the man he is named after, but also my friends and my wife, who made we worthy of that ring."

Levy nodded, "Of course. He will be honored."

Isabelle stepped up beside Clary, "May I?"

Clary gently passed Jace over to Isabelle, "Be careful Iz. That's my great great grandson."

Isabelle shook her head, "I'm old, but I haven't forgotten how to hold babies." Isabelle looked down at baby Jace, "I have a feeling you are going to be quite the pain to your mom and dad."

"He will live up to his name then," Magnus said stepping up. He hugged Levy and Sam and looked at Jace in Isabelle's arms, "It amazes me how generations can go by, by the same genes keep coming around. Those eyes are Jace's."

Jace winking, "So his name is fitting."

Isabelle turned to Alec, "You want to hold him Alec?"

Alec lifted baby Jace into his arms, "Hi buddy. Just so you know, just because your name is Jace, doesn't mean you are totally fine by yourself. You are going to need friends. But that's why our family is great."

"Built in friends," Isabelle said.

"Can I hold him?" Nineteen year old Lucas stepped up.

Levy smiled at her baby brother, "Of course."

Alec passed Jace to Lucas. Lucas smiled at his nephew, "Wow. I'm someone's uncle."

Levy rubbed her brother's arm, "That you are baby brother."

Jace pulled Clary to him and whispered to her, "Isn't this beautiful."

Clary nodded, "This is our family Jace. That baby, Jace, he is going to grow up to be a mix of everyone before him."

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