Chapter Thirty-Eight: 83 Years Old

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"Happy fifteenth birthday Levy," Spencer said giving his daughter a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks dad," Levy beamed.

"You are growing up," Viola smiled, "We are so proud of you."

Levy had, as she had aged, started to look like the perfect mix of her grandparents. She had dirty blonde hair, but her eyes, they were still Jace's. When she smiled, her eyes lit up just like Jace's. She was perfect.

"Happy birthday babe."

Levy turned and stood on her tiptoes to give her boyfriend, Sam, a kiss. "Thanks Sam."

As promised Jace had recommended a trip to New York to his kids and his grandkids. At The Institute Levy had met Sam. The rest was history.

"Here Levy," Clary said offering Levy a box, "It's from me and Jace. Happy birthday."

"Thanks great grandma," Levy said taking the box. She opened it and smiled. She pulled out a dagger with her name engraved in the handle, "It's beautiful. Thank you."

"Good for close combat," Jace nodded, "Like getting a vampire right in the shoulder. Or neck."

Levy stuck the dagger back in the box, "Thank you both so much." She gave Clary and Jace a hug.

Viola laughed, "Only a Shadowhunters family wouldn't find giving a fifteen year old a dagger weird."

"I would have said a bow," Alec shrugged, "but that is just me."

Levy laughed, "Great Uncle Alec, I'm not archer like you are."

"But I'm learning!" Levy's twelve year old brother Lucas piped up.

Alec looked at Lucas, "Really?"

Lucas nodded, "Yep. I think archery is way cool."

"I could help you sometime."

"Grandpa, you'd probably throw out a shoulder," Paige said, "Let me help Lucas."

Alec laughed, "I don't know Paige. Are you as good as I was?"

"Of course!" Paige beamed.

"I've seen her in action," Paige's wife Nicole said, "She is great."

"Okay Lucas," Alec said, "Paige can help you learn if you want."

Lucas nodded excitedly, "Yes! Thank you!"

Nicole leaned over and not so quietly whispered to Paige, "And this will give us practice for kids."

Paige elbowed her in the side as she turned bright red, "Nicole!"

Gabe laughed at his twin sister, "Aw come on sis. Don't be embarrassed."

Paige pressed her head into Nicole's shoulder, "This family! You are all distracting from Levy's birthday."

Magnus shrugged, "We are all used to it by now."

Levy waved her hand, "I'm fine. I've been raised at parties like this. If we didn't get side tracked, then it wouldn't be a Lightwood, Bane, Herondale, however many last names we have now, party."

"You know we are up to seventy-six people showing up to these things," Clary said, "and now seventy-seven with Sam."

"Wow," Levy said.

"Bet you can't name everyone," Jace said to Clary.

"Oh yeah?" Clary narrowed her eyes and then took a deep breath, "Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Simon, Magnus, Alec, Max, Rafael, Johanna, Vance, Amanda, Mackenzie, Randall, Cody, Danny, Victoria, Uriel, Lacey, Lance, Opal, Spencer, Viola, Levy, Lucas, Wally, Kit, Lysander, Jocelyn, Clay, Sofia, Grayson, Ace, Elwood, Jane, Poppy, Aaron, Matthew, Alice, Ike, Sander, Zoey, Alex, Asami, Wyatt, Hannah, Marcie, Hale, Bella, Toby, Emma, Paige, Gabe, Nicole, Stella, Aiden, Eliza, Scarlet, Maria, Ryan, Becca, Juliet, Gwen, Julian, Heston, Ozzie, Addie, Carrie, Rose, Zane, Dawn, Archer, Jax, Nathaniel, Ruth, Victor, and Dominic! Oh and then Sam, but he's not family," Clary crossed her arms.

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