Chapter Ten: 30 Years Old

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Seven-year old Johanna, four-year old Vance, and one-year Amanda were sitting on the sofa. Or Amanda was more propped up between her brother and sister.

"These tights itch," Johanna complained.

"Amanda is dooling!" Vance cried.

Jace sighed, "Kids if you sit still I can take this family picture and we can change clothes and go play."

Johanna pulled her tights, "Fine!"

Clary shook her head, "Come on Jo. Vance, please for mommy? Smile!"

Johana and Vance smiled big and Amanda giggled as Jace pressed the button on the camera.

"Are we done now?" Johanna asked.

"Yep," Clary said. "Let's get you changed, Jace do you have Vance?"

"I am a big boy!" Vance said.

"You mix stupid colors," Johanna said.

"Stop it!" Clary said, "You two! Vance go with daddy." Clary lifted Amanda off the couch, "Come with me Johanna."

Clary led Johanna into her room, stopping quickly to change Amanda's outfit in her room. "Get some play clothes out and we can go in the backyard."

Johanna went through her dresser drawers and grabbed a t-shirt and jeans. Clary helped her get her shoes off and unzip her dress. Johanna changed quickly and Clary took her hand and they went out in the backyard.

Vance and Jace were already out there and Clary put Amanda in her baby swing and pushed her gently as Vance and Johanna climbed into the sandbox to play together.

"So," Jace said, "My oh so beautiful wife where has all the time the gone? You are thirty years old."

Clary batted at Jace, "Shh."

"No I mean, look, our kids are getting old, baby girl is one."

"Life is moving on with or without us Jace," Clary laughed.

"CUT IT OUT VANCE!" Johanna screamed, "You are getting sand in my eyes!"

"And our kids will continually fight," Jace said, "No matter how old they are."

Clary made and move but Jace shook his head, "I've got them, Vance! Johanna!" He called walking over to the sandbox.

Clary stepped to the front of the swing so she could see Amanda, "Your brother and sister are nuts."

"Mommy," Amanda giggled.

Clary smiled, "Baby girl I know you can say mommy, you should say daddy."

"And we are going to the swings, swings, swings!" Jace cried. He flipped the lid back on the sandbox and led Vance and Johanna to the swings.

"I want to play in the sand," Johanna pouted.

"Your brother and you have to play nice first," Clary said.

"Will you push me daddy?" Vance asked.

"No fair. I want daddy to push me," Johanna said.

"I'll push you both," Jace said with a look at Clary.

Clary shrugged and pulled and pushed on Amanda's swing.

After a while of swing, Johanna got a look on her face, "Mommy! Daddy! Look!" She then proceeded to jump and flip off the swing landing on her feet a few feet ahead of the swing set.

"I want to do that!" Vance cried.

Jace grabbed the chains of his swing and stopped him, "I don't think so son. Your sister is in training."

Johanna went to school, obviously, and while she learned the basic history of Shadowhunters she also did a little training now and then. She wouldn't start fighting until she was a little older.

"No fair," Vance complained.

"One day you'll be able to do it," Clary said.

"Can you do that mommy?" Johanna asked.

Clary nodded, "Yes. Just I don't want to break your swing set."

"You know mommy and I fought in a war, don't you? Jace asked.

Johanna came back over, "Of course. It was the biggest war in a long time. Uncle Simon, Aunt Iz, Uncle Magnus, Uncle Alec, and you guys fought to save all Shadowhunters."

"You saved the world?" Vance asked.

Clary, with some effort, lifted Vance out of his swing, "Of course we did, silly."

"Now," Jace said lifting Amanda from her swing, "How about we get a snack?"

"PEANUT BUTTER COOKIE!" Johanna cried.

"Yeah!" Vance cheered.

"You have heard their demands," Clary said.

Jace laughed, "Okay kiddos. Let's go!"

Clary set Vance down, "Inside! Go! Go!"

Johanna and Vance bounded in the house while Jace and Clary hung back.

"You know," Jace said, "I love you."

Clary smiled, "I love you too Jace."

Amanda looked at Jace, "Dada!" She cried.

"She said it," Clary gasped.

"Very good baby girl!"

"Dada! Mommy!" Amanda said.

"Our baby is growing up," Jace said.

Clary shook her head, "Don't remind me, now let's go feed the little monsters in our kitchen before they decide to feed themselves."

"Last time that happened Vance ate like half of the ketchup," Jace said, "And those flashbacks are worst than the war ones."

Clary laughed, "Then let's go in there before it happens again."

So Clary and Jace went inside to feed their little monsters, who even though Johanna and Vance fought, they loved very much.

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