Chapter Twenty-Two: 53 Years Old

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"Why did we agree to this again?" Jace asked as he locked the cabinet with cleaning supplies.

"Because," Clary said, "Johanna and Danny wanted to have a date night and then Johanna decided to ask Amanda, Cody, Victoria, and Vance too. They are triple dating. I didn't want my mom to have to take the kids so I said we would. You love the grandkids."

"I do, I do really love the grandkids" Jace said, "Just we had three kids and now we are going to watch five?"

"They are fun," Clary said, "And besides Elwood and Zoey are only one years old. That means only three are running around."

Jace smiled, "Okay, I'm just going to lock, like, seventeen more cabinets."

"I love you," Clary said, kissing him.

Jace wrapped his arms around her, "I love you too."

From the front entrance the doorbell rang. "Would those be our children?" Jace asked.

Clary nodded, "Yep, let's go get the door."

Clary and Jace walked to the front door and pulled it open. "Mom! Dad!"

Clary and Jace were attacked by hugs from their three children.

"Hi Jo, Vance, Amanda," Clary said.

"Thank you so much for doing this," Johanna said.

"Don't worry about it," Jace said, "I mean we love your kids."

Amanda turned back to Cody and lifted Zoey from his arms, "Well which one of you wants Zoey and which one wants Elwood."

"Aw," Clary said, "Hand me little Zoey."

Amanda handed over Zoey. Victoria stepped up and handed Elwood to Jace.

Johanna leaned down and hugged Spencer and Wally, "Be good for your grandma and grandpa."

Vance and Victoria kissed Sofia, "Be good Sofia," Vance said.

"Everyone good now?" Johanna asked.

"Yep," Amanda said.

"Bye, bye mommy. Bye daddy," Spencer said.

"Bye!" Wally said.

"Bye boys," Danny said.

"Bye mom, bye dad," Johanna said.

"Bye Zoey!" Cody said leaning and kissing Zoey's cheek.

"Bye guys," Jace said.

"Thanks for doing this," Vance said.

"We should get going," Johanna said.

"Have fun, we've got it on this front," Clary said.

"Bye," Johanna, Amanda, and Vance said as they stepped off the porch, blowing kisses to their kids.

Jace shut the door, "So kiddos, who is hungry?"

"Me!" Spencer, Wally, and Sofia cried.

"Into the kitchen," Clary said.

Spencer, Wally, and Sofia took off into the kitchen. Clary and Jace carrying Zoey and Elwood followed more slowly.

"See you called it hording," Clary said as she sat Zoey in a high-chair, "but I knew these high-chairs would come in handy one day."

Jace plopped Elwood down in another, "We could have just asked Amanda and Vance to bring a highchair each."

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