Chapter Fourteen: 40 Years Old

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"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to youuuuu! Happy birthday dear Clarissa, Clary, mom, Aunt Clary! Happy birthday to youuuuuuu!"

Clary leaned over her candles and blew them out, "Thank you everyone!"

Isabelle smiled, "There are thirty-nine candles by the way Clary. I wouldn't let Jace say you passed thirty-nine. He can keep aging."

Jace shook his head, "I'm right here."

"Oh what I would do to be forty again," Jocelyn said. In the years that had passed, aging had started on Joelyn, her red hair dulled with gray hidden among its strands. Luke had aged too, but is was less visible, being a werewolf and all.

"Iz," Alec said taking the cake from her and off to Magnus to be cut, "You are the only one who has a weird thing about aging."

"Says the man who is married to the immortal," Isabelle snapped.

"Can we cut this cake and open presents faster?" Johanna, seventeen, butted in from the end of the table where she has previously been painting her nails with Mackenzie (Who was now eighteen).

"You have somewhere better to be?" Jace asked.

"Mackenzie and I have double date."

"They are going to kiss boys," Randall mocked.

"You are just angry because you are fifteen and can't get one girl to even look your way," Mackenzie snapped back.

"Kids!" Simon said, "Enough! It is your Aunt Clary's birthday."

"And I've got cake for everyone!" Magnus cried coming back into the room with the cake now cut into nice slices.

"I want the biggest piece!" Vance said.

"That should be for mom," Amanda said.

"That would be correct little Amanda," Magnus said. He flicked his hand the piece of cake appeared on Clary's plate.

"Always having to show off Magnus?" Luke asked.

Magnus shrugged, "I'm here until the sun burns out and maybe pass that, so why not show off while people are still around to see it."

"Wow," Clary said, "Who knew Magnus could turn something like a birthday party into such a sad event in one sentence."

"I did," Alec said.

"Oh!" Max cried suddenly from his seat at the table, "Dad! Can I show my magic."

"Just don't hurt anyone Blueberry," Magnus said.

Max stood up in his chair, "Watch this!" He focused and small portal opened up under Clary's cake. A second later it dropped on the table across from Jace. Everyone clapped and Max beemed.

"Now please sit down before you hurt yourself," Alec said.

Max plopped down in his seat.

"No, but seriously, Mackenzie and I do have a double date and I have to get ready and all," Johanna said,

"We have to get ready," Mackenzie corrected.

Isabelle looked at Mackenzie, "It will not kill you to wait a little longer to start your hours long process of getting ready."

"What time is this date anyway?" Jace asked as he helped Magnus hand cake to everyone.

"Three," Johanna said.

"Well good thing it is just now noon!" Jace said, "Stay awhile. Tell your mother you love her. It is her birthday. She's getting old."

Clary glared at Jace, "Says the man who is six months older than me."

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