Chapter Eighteen: 48 Years Old

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"I now introduce Mr. and Mrs. Vance Herondale!" Amanda called over the crowd. Everyone cheered and clapped as Vance and his now wife Victoria came out. Vance kissed her and waved to the crowd.

"Two down," Jace whispered to Clary, "One to go."

Clary rolled her eyes, "Amanda doesn't have to get married."

"I know, I mean she is still nineteen," Jace said, "I just meant she is our last baby. Soon she won't need us. Whether or not she gets married."

"Now Vance and Victoria will have their first dance. And Vance, Johanna and I love you," Amanda announced.

"Love you too baby sister!" Vance laughed.

Music started and Vance pulled Victoria to him.

The crowd of people watched until it was over and then everyone clapped again. Music once again started, but everyone started dancing then.

"You want to go check with me on the behind the scenes stuff, mom was kind of stressed," Clary said, "planning a wedding is hard."

"Yes, let's go make sure your mother hasn't pulled out all her hair," Jace said.

Him and Clary made their way through the crowd and out the reception hall. They made their way down the hall and into the kitchen, where they found Jocelyn ordering people to clean up the tables and chairs so there would be more room to dance. "We need to get those tables out, but maybe leave just a couple in the back, some people are old and tired. Like me!"

"Mom," Clary said.

"Oh! Clary! Jace," Jocelyn said, "I didn't even hear you guys come in."

She hugged Jace and Clary. "Maybe you should enjoy the party Jocelyn," Jace said, "You did help plan it."

"I know. I know. It's just been a busy night. Johanna was in here earlier trying to help, but Spencer and Wally wanted cake. I told her to go on."

"Well mom, the wedding is almost over, come on have some fun. I'm sure Luke and you can show off some of your amazing dancing skills," Clary said.

"That is if I can find Luke. I've had him running around all night."

Clary took her mom's hand, "Come on mom. You did an amazing job for Vance and Victoria. Now you should get to celebrate a little. Either come freely or I'll get Magnus to get you by magic."

"Fine!" Jocelyn laughed.

So Jace, Jocelyn, and Clary made their way back out to the dance floor.

"Jocelyn!" Luke called, "There you are!"

"And now Jace and I will be off," Clary said.

Her and Jace made their way through the crowd and over to where Magnus, Alec, Isabelle, and Simon were all hanging out.

"Hi lovebirds," Magnus said, "Were you making out in a back stairwell?"

"No, we had to go get my mom before she worked herself to death," Clary said.

"She really loves Vance and wanted everything to be perfect," Jace said.

Isabelle sighed, "I feel like between Johanna, Mackenzie, Randall, and now Vance, I've been to too many weddings to care about flowers or small details. Like did they draw their runes and is there dancing. That's all I care about."

"Speaking of our children," Jace said, "Have you seen them?"

"Danny and Johanna went to settle down Wally," Simon said, "The music was bothering him."

"Mackenzie is dealing with her diva, Maria. Randall and Opal are over there dancing," Isabelle said with a nod.

"And while no one asked about Max and Rafael," Magnus said, "Max, unlike your children is still playing the field. Boys and girls."

"He's going to live forever," Isabelle said, "I wouldn't have stopped with Simon if I was going to live forever."

"Hey!" Simon said.

"Rafael," Alec said glaring at his sister, "on the other hand is getting pretty serious about his girlfriend."

"I'm getting too old to have to eat this much wedding cake, it is going to ruin my perfect figure," Jace said.

"Maybe they will go to Vegas and elope," Clary said.

"We are Shadowhunters," Alec said, "We have rituals to uphold."

Jace rolled his eyes, "Well maybe we could do wedding fruit or wedding coffee."

Isabelle laughed, "Come on guys! Weddings are beautiful."

"You are saying that because both of your kids are done getting married," Magnus said.

Isabelle shrugged, "Maybe. Oh it is a relief. Plus I only have one grandchild right now."

"Like it's going to stay that way," Jace laughed, "You had me, Alec, and Max. Mackenzie had Randall and Clary and I's kids. No way is she going to make Maria an only child. Give it a couple more months."

Isabelle glared, "I may be thirty-nine-"

"You are in your forties Iz," Alec said interrupting.

"but I will still take you on Jace," Isabelle finished, "And Alec, I don't age."

"It's true. We've been doing 'Happy thirty-ninth birthday Isabelle banners for years," Simon said.

"That's not fair," Clary said, "Jace actually put forty-eight candles in my cake last time. Forty-eight individual candles!"

"I thought you were okay with aging," Jace said, "besides forty-eight is nothing, Alec actually hit fifty."

Magnus snorted, "You Shadowhunters, fifty is a baby in my lifetime."

"If mom was around she would slap all of us," Clary said, "I remember the day she found her first gray hair."

Jace shook his head, "Your mom has been through a lot. Allow her to stress over one gray hair."

"I know. I know."

"So," Isabelle said, "Instead of standing here like wallflowers, how about we get out there and enjoy the dancing, you know before the night over."

"Let's," Simon said.

So the six of them headed out to the dance floor together to dance the night away.

Author's Note: Magnus and Alec mention Rafael which (spoiler alert) is Magnus's and Alec's second adopted son. I just found out about him and I know he isn't mentioned in earlier chapters but we will just pretend he was adopted much later. I felt like he deserved a place.

Also MY LAPTOP IS BACK! It was broken and so it had to go out for repairs, but it is back.

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