Chapter Twenty-Three: 54 Years Old

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"Then, you just go like this," Jace ran his fingers up and down the piano keys quickly.

Nine year old Spencer stared at the keys, frowning, "But why?"

Clary laughed, "Spencer, I thought you already went through your 'why' phase," She pushed off the wall she had been leaning against and came over to the piano. "Don't you want to learn piano Spence?"

"I want to be just like grandpa!" Spencer said.

"Then you have to listen to this lessons," Jace said, "No one becomes a great overnight."

Spencer sighed and ran his fingers up and down the keys as Jace had done.

Clary smiled, "There you go Spencer!"

Jace nodded, "See you have to be able to move your fingers quickly back and forth, smoothly." He reached behind him and set a piano book in front of Spencer. "We talked about notes, you remember right Spence?"

Spencer nodded.

"Okay, well you can try playing some of these pieces," Jace tapped a page in the book, "I'll be back in a second, okay buddy?"

Jace got over from the piano and motioned to Clary to follow him, they headed out of the library trailed by Spencer softly practicing the beginning measures of the pieces.

"He's doing a good job," Clary said.

Jace nodded, "He's a quick learner."

"And I know you enjoy spending time with your oldest grandkid," Clary said.

Jace nodded, "I do. It's so neat to see him growing up."

Clary wrapped her arms around Jace, "He gets a lot of his attitude from his mother, who got it from you."

"And you," Jace laughed.

"What attitude do I have?" Clary asked.

"That one," Jace said kissing her on the forehead.

He released her and went back into the library. Clary rolled her eyes and followed after him.

Spencer turned when he heard them enter, "Grandpa! Grandma! Look I can play the first piece!"

Spencer turned back to the piano and played the piece. Sure it was still a little rough, but it was good.

"Good job Spencer!" Clary clapped.

"Good," Jace said, "Now let's slow it down and play more right notes."

"Aw grandpa! I want to play cool stuff! Like what you play, not Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."

"All the greats started out playing Twinkle Twinkle," Jace said.

"Really?" Spencer asked.

"Yep," Jace said.

"Fine," Spencer turned back to the piano and started to play again.

From farther in the house, the doorbell rang, "That's probably Johanna and Danny. I'll go get it," Clary said, "You stay here with piano master Spencer."

"Aye, aye captain."

Clary headed back through the house and got to the front door just in time for who was ever on the other side to push their finger against the bell so it didn't stop ringing.

Clary pulled open the door to Johanna, Danny, and Wally. Johanna was leaning on the doorbell.

"Really?" Clary asked.

"Hi mom," Johanna said hugging Clary, "We came to get Spencer."

"He is in the library with your father," Clary said, "Practicing the piano."

"How's that going?" Danny asked.

"About as well as you would expect," Clary said, "He's got the talent, but lacks patience."

Johanna laughed, "That sounds exactly right."

"Grandma," Wally interrupted, "Where is grandpa?"

"In the library with your brother," Clary said, "Want to go see him?"

"Yes!" Wally said.

"Let's go," Clary said, she made her way back to the library with Wally, Danny, and

Johanna following behind her.

Jace looked up from the piano when he heard the door open, "Hey Jo, Danny."

"Grandpa!" Wally said running over to him and hugging him.

"Hey Wally," Jace said.

"Mom! Dad!" Spencer cried, "Look what grandpa taught me!" Spencer played Twinkle,

Twinkle a little better that he had before.

"Good job Spencer!" Johanna said.

"Way to go buddy!" Danny said.

Spencer beamed at his parents, then frowned, "Wait, is it time to go home already?"

"Yep," Johanna said, "Time flies when you are having fun, huh?"

"Wait, I didn't get to hang out with grandpa all day!" Wally cried.

"Wally, we just came to get Spencer," Danny said, "Then we have to go home for dinner."

"Dinner, you say?" Clary looked at Jace, "How about we make you guys dinner."

"Really?" Johanna asked.

"Of course," Jace said, "Obviously neither of your kids is going out without a fight, besides it's not like your mother and I had plans."

"Spencer, Wally, do you want to stay and have dinner with your grandparents?" Danny asked.

"Yes!" Spencer and Wally cried.

"Then it's settled," Clary smiled.

"Everyone into the kitchen!" Jace laughed.

So Clary, Jace, Johanna, Danny, Spencer, and Wally exited the library and headed into the kitchen to enjoy a small family dinner.

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